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Leju B
Leju B

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Automating EC2 Instances with AWS Lambda and CloudWatch


I recently completed a project where I automated the start and stop of EC2 instances using AWS Lambda and CloudWatch EventBridge. Here's a quick overview of how I did it.

Step-by-Step Guide:

IAM Setup:

  • Created custom IAM policies to grant permissions for starting and stopping EC2 instances.
  • Set up roles to securely attach these policies to Lambda functions.

Lambda Functions:

  • Developed two Python scripts using Boto3 to manage the EC2 instances.
  • Configured the Lambda functions to use the appropriate IAM roles.

Automating with CloudWatch:

Created CloudWatch EventBridge rules to trigger the Lambda functions based on a cron schedule.

Challenges and Solutions:

While working on this project, I encountered a few challenges, such as troubleshooting IAM permissions and Lambda execution errors. Through persistence and a bit of troubleshooting, I was able to resolve these issues and ensure the automation worked flawlessly.


This project was a great opportunity to explore AWS's automation capabilities. If you're interested in trying it out yourself, check out the full documentation and code in my GitHub repository!

Ckeckout the repo

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