The web has never been more amazing and robust than now. I am a big fan of the web, and I like to share whatever knowledge I gather about it. In this article, I will introduce you to a few full-stack JavaScript frameworks that you can start learning about from the many available ones, in no particular sequence.
Let's begin!
Next.js is a React framework for building full-stack web applications. You use React Components to build user interfaces, and Next.js for additional features and optimizations.
Under the hood, Next.js also abstracts and automatically configures tooling needed for React, like bundling, compiling, and more. This allows you to focus on building your application instead of spending time with configuration.
Whether you're an individual developer or part of a larger team, Next.js can help you build interactive, dynamic, and fast React applications.
The Boring JavaScript Stack
Whether you prefer the simplicity of Vue, the flexibility of React, or the efficiency of Svelte, The Boring JavaScript Stack accommodates your choice. With The Boring JavaScript Stack, the UI of your app is simply the components of your chosen UI framework.
So if you enjoy writing React's JSX, you'd love The Boring JavaScript Stack, as that's the only thing you have to know about React - writing components. Same thing with Vue and Svelte.
Nuxt is a framework designed to give you a strong architecture following official Vue guidelines. Incrementally adoptable, it can be used to create everything from static landing pages to complex enterprise ready web applications.
Versatile by nature, it supports different targets (server, serverless or static) and server side rendering is switchable.
Extendable with a strong module ecosystem, it makes it easy to connect your REST or GraphQL endpoints, favorite CMS, CSS frameworks and more. PWA and AMP support is only a module away from your Nuxt project.
NuxtJS is the backbone of your Vue.js project, giving structure to build your project with confidence while being flexible.
Sails is, of course, a web framework. But take a step back. What does that mean? Sometimes, when we refer to the "web", we mean the "front-end web." We think of concepts like web standards, or HTML 5, or CSS 3; and frameworks like React, or Vue.js, or jQuery. Sails is not "that kind" of a web framework. Sails works great with React and Vue, but you would never use Sails instead of those libraries.
On the other hand, sometimes when we talk about "web frameworks", we mean the "back-end web." This evokes concepts like REST, or HTTP, or WebSockets; and technologies like Java, or Ruby, or Node.js. A "back-end web" framework helps you do things like build APIs, serve HTML files, and handle hundreds of thousands of simultaneous users. Sails is "that kind" of web framework.
Nest (NestJS) is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with and fully supports TypeScript (yet still enables developers to code in pure JavaScript), and combines elements of OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).
Under the hood, Nest makes use of robust HTTP server frameworks like Express (the default) and can optionally be configured to use Fastify as well!
Nest provides a level of abstraction above these common Node.js frameworks (Express and Fastify), but also exposes their APIs directly to the developer. This gives developers the freedom to use the myriad of third-party modules that are available for the underlying platform.
As mentioned, these frameworks were listed in no particular order. Personally, I have 3 out of the 5 mentioned in this article, and they are commendable with their pros and cons.
Do have fun with them, and feel free to connect with me about your learning progress.
Top comments (1)
The link to nuxt is nuxtjs not