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Hanna Ulriksen
Hanna Ulriksen

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Prrr-rrrglable self-propelling actuators enabled by a dynamic helical medium.

areable for implementation across research and diagnostic laboratories.Arrhythmias are common, affecting millions of patients worldwide. Current treatment strategies are associated with significant side effects and remain ineffective in many patients. To improve patient care, novel and innovative therapeutic concepts causally targeting arrhythmia mechanisms are needed. check details To study the complex pathophysiology of arrhythmias, suitable animal models are necessary, and mice have been proven to be ideal model species to evaluate the genetic impact on arrhythmias, to investigate fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms, and to identify potential therapeutic targets. Implantable telemetry devices are among the most powerful tools available to study electrophysiology in mice, allowing continuous ECG recording over a period of several months in freely moving, awake mice. However, due to the huge number of data points (>1 million QRS complexes per day), analysis of telemetry data remains challenging. This article describes a step-by-step approach to analyze ECGs and to detect arrhythmiasing the approach described above.Protein purification is imperative to the study of protein structure and function and is usually used in combination with biophysical techniques. It is also a key component in the development of new therapeutics. The evolving era of functional proteomics is fueling the demand for high-throughput protein purification and improved techniques to facilitate this. It was hypothesized that a multi column plate adaptor (MCPA) can interface multiple chromatography columns of different resins with multi-well plates for parallel purification. This method offers an economical and versatile method of protein purification that can be used under gravity or vacuum, rivaling the speed of an automated system. The MCPA can be used to recover milligram yields of protein by an affordable and time efficient method for subsequent characterization and analysis. The MCPA has been used for high-throughput affinity purification of SH3 domains. Ion exchange has also been demonstrated via the MCPA to purify protein post Ni-NTA affinity chromatography, indicating how this system can be adapted to other purification types. Due to its setup with multiple columns, individual customization of parameters can be made in the same purification, unachievable by the current plate-based methods.Porcine aminopeptidase N (APN), a membrane-bound metallopeptidase abundantly present in small intestinal mucosa, can initiate a mucosal immune response without any interference such as low protein expression, enzyme inactivity, or structural changes. This makes APN an attractive candidate in the development of vaccines that selectively target the mucosal epithelium. Previous studies have shown that APN is a receptor protein for both enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) F4 and transmissible gastroenteritis virus. Thus, APN shows promise in the development of antibody-drug conjugates or novel vaccines based on APN-specific antibodies. In this study, we compared production of APN-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) using traditional hybridoma technology and recombinant antibody expression method. We also established a stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line using pIRES2-ZSGreen1-rAbs-APN and an E. coli expression BL21(DE3) strain harboring the pET28a (+)-rAbs-APN vector. The results show that antibodies expressed in pIRES2-ZSGreen1-rAbs-APN-CHO cells and mAbs produced using hybridomas could recognize and bind to the APN protein. This provides the basis for further elucidation of the APN receptor function for the development of therapeutics targeting different APN-specific epitopes.Cell spreading is a dynamic process in which a cell suspended in media attaches to a substrate and flattens itself from a rounded to a thin and spread-out shape. Following the cell-substrate attachment, the cell forms a thin sheet of lamellipodia emanating from the cell body. In the lamellipodia, globular actin (G-actin) monomers polymerize into a dense filamentous actin (F-actin) meshwork that pushes against the plasma membrane, thereby providing the mechanical forces required for the cell to spread. Notably, the molecular players that control the actin polymerization in lamellipodia are essential for many other cellular processes, such as cell migration and endocytosis. Since spreading cells form continuous lamellipodia that span the entire cell periphery and persistently expand outward, cell spreading assays have become an efficient tool to assess the kinetics of lamellipodial protrusions. Although several technical implementations of the cell spreading assay have been developed, a detailed description of the workflow, which would include both a step-by-step protocol and computational tools for data analysis, is currently lacking. Here, we describe the experimental procedures of the cell spreading assay and present an open-source tool for quantitative and unbiased analysis of cell edge dynamics during spreading. When combined with pharmacological manipulations and/or gene-silencing techniques, this protocol is amenable to a large-scale screen of molecular players regulating lamellipodial protrusions.Determination of the cardiac function is a robust endpoint analysis in animal models of cardiovascular diseases in order to characterize effects of specific treatments on the heart. Due to the feasibility of genetic manipulations the mouse has become the most common mammalian animal model to study cardiac function and to search for new potential therapeutic targets. Here we describe a protocol to determine cardiac function in vivo using pressure-volume loop measurements and analysis during basal conditions and under β-adrenergic stimulation by intravenous infusion of increasing concentrations of isoproterenol. We provide a refined protocol including ventilation support taking into account the positive end-expiratory pressure to ameliorate negative effects during open-chest measurements, and potent analgesia (Buprenorphine) to avoid uncontrollable myocardial stress evoked by pain during the procedure. All together the detailed description of the procedure and discussion about possible pitfalls enables highly standardized and reproducible pressure-volume loop analysis, reducing the exclusion of animals from the experimental cohort by preventing possible methodological bias.check details

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