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TypeDefs, Resolvers and Mutations

TypeDefs define the schema and structure of your GraphQL API. They specify the types of data you can query or mutate and the operations available.
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In this example, I have five different types:
User, which represents a user with the fields _id, username, email, and gameData.
Auth, which represents authentication information with a token and user.
GameData, which represents game data with fields _id, food, energy, happiness, name, createdDate, lastSaveDate, and timeAlive
me which help fetches a user by their ID and
users which fetches a list of all users.
Next we have mutations:
addUser, login, createGameData, deleteUser, deleteGameData, and updateGameData.

Resolvers implement the logic for the operations defined in the schema. They fetch and manipulate data according to the queries and mutations.

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Connecting Type Definitions and Resolvers
When setting up your Apollo Server, you connect your typeDefs and resolvers.

In a GraphQL API, mutations are used help change the state of the server, in this case we are using it to create, update, and delete data. The mutations I provided are using the gql function from @apollo/client, which helps to define and send mutation requests to a GraphQL server. Each mutation is connected to specific resolvers on the server side, which handle the actual data operations.

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Connecting to Resolvers:
When this mutation is executed by a client, it sends a request to the GraphQL server. The server uses the defined schema to route the request to the appropriate resolver.

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