Requires Node.js ≥ 18
Express.js v5 is here! After a decade without major upgrades, v5 brings updates, including changes in route path matching, removal of deprecated methods, and improved promise rejection handling. No more next(error)
- For details, check out this article: What's New in Express 5.
- Discussion on the new roadmap: GitHub Discussion.
- Goal: Allow the Node ecosystem to move towards faster, more efficient APIs.
Node Permission Model — Experimental
Note: Experimental features should not be used in production
Permission Model: An experimental feature allowing developers to restrict access to specific resources during execution.
- Restrict access to the file system, child processes, and worker threads.
- Goal: Improve Node.js security, recognizing that developers can be targeted by attackers. This risk increases when installing libraries, as they may contain unintentional vulnerabilities.
- Tip: Check for known vulnerabilities in your Node.js setup using is-my-node-vulnerable.
Prompt Techniques
- Slides and Exercises: Canva Presentation Prompt Exercises
Key Techniques:
- Provide context: Define the role (e.g., "You're an expert in Y with an interest in X, focusing on Z.")
- Consistency: Keep messaging steady, as you're guiding the language model.
- n-shot prompting: Task without examples, with one example, or with a few examples.
- Define responsibilities: e.g., "You're responsible for identifying X in Y."
- Manage variable inputs using tags.
- Set tone: Specify tone—professional, expert, Gen Z, etc.
- Affirmations and rewards: "I'll tip you 30% if..."
- Check for hallucinations in responses.
GIS Maps
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems): Use GIS for logistics and spatial analysis. Here's a list of some GIS libraries:
AI on the Browser
New and Experimental
AI on Browsers: Thanks to WebGPU API, which enables the use of GPU for complex computations, and WebAssembly, there are now tools to implement AI directly in browsers.
- Chrome's AI tools: Chrome Developer AI Resources
- Goal: Prioritize user data privacy while leveraging their computer's processing power.
- Tip: Explore the AI assistant in Chrome DevTools.
- Highlights JS new features
- Array.findLast()
- New array methods immutable .toReversed(), .toSorted(), to.Spliced()
- Array immutable method to change a value .with(index, newValue)
- Proposals JS
- Signals, Records, Tuplas.
- Highlights HTML y CSS new features
- Tag search
- Attribute switch
- Native tooltip with popovertarget
- Added aling-content: center support to display block
- To balance tittle break line text-wrap:balance
- New on CSS Animations: view(), animation-timeline,@starting-style
- View transitions API
- Proposals HTML
- Attribute command and commandfor
- Tip: Baseline 2024 Web Platform Baseline brings clarity to information about browser support for web platform features.
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