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Creating Luegle, A Google Maps Clone

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My Map-Based Application: Zone Selection Meets Autocomplete Precision

I'm thrilled to introduce my map-based application, designed to make navigating the bustling streets of New York City a breeze. At its core, our app marries the simplicity of zone selection with the sophistication of autocomplete functionality to deliver a seamless user experience.

Zone Selection for Targeted Results

This app's standout feature is its ability to divide NYC into distinct zones using GeoJSON data. This isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality. Users begin their journey by selecting a specific zone on the map. This action sets the stage for a more focused search, ensuring that the results and markers displayed are relevant to the chosen area. Whether you’re a tourist looking to explore a particular neighborhood or a local searching for new hangout spots, our zone selection feature ensures that you only get the information you need.

Autocomplete: No Zone? No Problem!

While zone selection fine-tunes the search process, we understand that sometimes, you just need quick suggestions. Enter our autocomplete feature. It doesn’t require any zone selection. Start typing an address or a place of interest, and our application will instantly suggest predicted addresses, drawing from a vast database. This feature is perfect for those who already know where they want to go and need quick address validation or for those moments when you’re just looking to explore without constraints.

Best of Both Worlds

Our application is a testament to the synergy between structured search within zones and the freedom offered by autocomplete suggestions. We've meticulously designed it to cater to both the methodical planner and the spontaneous explorer.

Dive into our app today and experience the convergence of precision and freedom in city navigation. Happy exploring!

Learning Points

Throughout this project, I've significantly broadened my skill set in both geospatial data handling and web development, thanks to the Google Maps JavaScript API. The challenge of segmenting New York City into manageable zones led me to discover the potential of GeoJSON. By utilizing data from Beta NYC's map, I was able to effectively divide the city into distinct areas.

To enhance user interaction, I implemented event listeners for these zones and created a set of global variables such as selectedZones, placesWithinSelectedZones, and geoJsonFeatures. These variables were crucial for storing and managing data throughout the application. The selectedZoneCoords object became a central reference point for zone geometries, proving invaluable for ongoing access and manipulation.

Security was a priority, so I turned to environmental variables to protect sensitive information like my Google API key. This approach was reinforced by exploring Express.js, which allowed me to set up routes that facilitated communication between the front end and back end, using environmental variables for secure API interactions.

To maintain the integrity of my codebase, I included a .gitignore file to ensure only public data was version-controlled.

Diving into geospatial libraries, especially Turf.js, was a game-changer for conducting searches within specific zones. This exploration also sparked my interest in data visualization, leading me to investigate tools like ArcGIS, which expanded my understanding of the field.

In summary, this project wasn't just about building an application; it was a comprehensive learning experience. It sharpened my technical skills in API integration, geospatial analysis, and full-stack development, and it deepened my knowledge of data security and visualization.


This project stands on the shoulders of giants, and it's only fair to extend our gratitude to those whose work has made this application not just a possibility, but a reality.

Google: Our application leverages the Google Maps JavaScript API, a powerful tool that has enabled us to bring our map to life with rich details and robust functionality.

BetaNYC and NYC Open Data: The GeoJSON files provided by these incredible resources have been instrumental in our ability to divide NYC into navigable zones, forming the backbone of our application's zone selection feature.

Turf.js: This suite of geospatial libraries has been invaluable in our quest to offer precise and relevant search results within selected zones. Their tools have allowed us to handle complex spatial queries with ease.

ChatGPT: Last but certainly not least, we extend our heartfelt thanks to ChatGPT. The guidance, technical support, and creative input from this AI have been pivotal in overcoming challenges and bringing our vision to fruition.

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