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⭐️ Interactive JavaScript Quiz #2

Lydia Hallie on March 09, 2020

This is the second post of the JavaScript Quiz series! Make sure to check out the first one 🥳 Before starting this quiz, it may be useful to read t...
karataev profile image
Eugene Karataev


  1. This was a warm up question 🙂
  2. I thought that I'll fail with this one, because I have almost zero experience with generators/iterators, but somehow figured the right answer.
  3. My belief that typeof operator is always safe even with undeclared variables was wrong 😔. Watch out for TDZ!
lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie

That’s great!!

Yeah there are some pitfalls when using the uninitialized variables haha, it’s not always very clear what you can and cannot do, I agree

codeboy1010 profile image
codeboy1010 • Edited

This is a bit advanced that my understanding in JS but the explanations are well structured. The goodexplained details why my answers were incorrect summarized it very well an honestly made me say "why did I miss that" to myself.enjoyable to go through.I hope there will be part 3, can't wait.

BTW,what extension or app did you use to make this especially the code animation snippets?

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie

That’s great, also feel free to let me know if you think I could improve my explanations anywhere. I’d like to include people from all levels! 😃

I use Keynote

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Great article! Love it.

Would you mind sharing the name of the tool that you use for creating those awesome gifs?

iamraviprakash profile image
Ravi Prakash

For 3rd, if the variable was declared with var then it would have been undefined(hoisting). let and const are not hoisted.

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie

Even let and const are hoisted (meaning, the engine does store them in memory, as seen in this gif), they just don’t get initialized with the default value of undefined 😃

bobby_valenzuela profile image
Bobby Valenzuela • Edited

Is this why a Reference Error is thrown? Because the JS engine knows not to use the global 'randomValue' variable? I.e., JS knows that the variable 'randomValue' is within the current block scope and thus the value of this locally-scoped 'randomValue' should be the preferred variable. So, although JS is aware of this local variable (because of hoisting) nonetheless the reference error is thrown because the variable cannot be referenced prior to being initialized (since we're using const here). Am I right about this?

btw.. ABSOLUTELY loving EVERYTHING you've done. From articles, your personal site, just amazing content all around. Thanks so much for all this amazing material!

I signed up to just to like your articles haha.

Keep up the great work!


juansimon666 profile image


I don't know much about generators/iterators but i will check that out.

Thanks for this kind of posts 👏🏼👏🏼

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie

Thats awesome! Yeah generators are pretty cool once you get them, but you won’t see them that often like this “in the wild” lol

hgerber7 profile image
Hans Gerber

I haven't been around JavaScript for a while and the last question got me since I'm still from the "good" old var days and not fully familiar with how well JavaScript has adapted to certain features I know from other languages like Java.
Would definitely be happy to see this series continue

avneeshroks profile image

This made me realize I need to understand generator functions a ton better haha!! Great post and really well explained! Please post more :)

donnyverduijn profile image
Donny Verduijn

Even though its visual explanation is powerful, sometimes i feel that certain aspects of Javascript need more explanation on why they are bad choices and what the alternatives are. Like why is there no explanation that object mutations are inherently a bad idea and how problems can be solved using immutable data structures. That would make the ability to answer these questions trivial.

marioruizfont profile image
Mario Ruiz • Edited

On 2.) I tried on the browser's console and on node.js but was not working. I used for..of instead. Thanks for this mini quiz.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Wowowo! I got all three correct! 🤩 Thank you for making these interactive posts! Great explanations as always 🔥

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie

Yay way to go! 🥳

joe94113 profile image
王冠智 | Joe


puneethr43 profile image

Thank you for these quizzes.😄
Both JavaScript quizzes are awesome and they are really helpful 😊
Add more quizzes and problems like these.
Really helps to improve a lot.😀

hyftar profile image
Simon Landry

ReferenceError* instead of Erorr in the 3rd one :)

lydiahallie profile image
Lydia Hallie

Darn typos :(

daviluis321 profile image
Davi Luis de Oliveira

Very good article, how do you make these terminals and gifs?

marioruizfont profile image
Mario Ruiz • Edited

It´s a JSFiddle code snippet. And with the icons probably is just hexa code... not sure. Or a library inside DEV, probably check the help docs section 🥳.

vikramadityaraja profile image

Doesn't 'shallow copy' comes into picture in 1st quiz?

amstr1k profile image
Sergey Fedorov


lehung1109 profile image

2/3 :(

I forget for wait...of return values so i failed on question 2