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Finally Understanding JavaScript

Lynne on August 24, 2020

I can't tell you enough, how much I am starting to get JavaScript after four weeks of tutorials, reading, challenges, and games! This really was a ...
patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen

I think you can do better with the birthday song. Why not use a loop to 4 instead of 2 and use an IF-THEN-ELSE construction to print the different line on the count of 3.....
Apart from that: happy coding :)

ericgeek profile image

If-then-else? How about picking up another technique, the ternary operator?

while (i < 4) {
let message = (i ==3) ? "Happy Birthday dear " + name + "," : "Happy Birthday to you.
i = i + 1;

Which isn't the end of ways to refactor this. You could get rid of the temporary variable by having the ternary inside the document.write(), and you could change the while loop to a for loop. There's almost never only one way to do something when it comes to programming.

lynnecodes profile image

This is great! Thanks for building on this code and showing me another way to write it! I'm learning so much.

lynnecodes profile image

Nice! I didn’t think of that! Thanks so much for pointing that out. That’s great advice and I’ll keep that in mind for improvement. 👍🏼

pandaquests profile image
Panda Quests

No one understands JavaScript:

lynnecodes profile image

Haha. You’re absolutely right!!

psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić • Edited

That feeling is what you need to be a programmer. I can tell you, after 30 years of programming, it never left me. As long as you follow your passion(s) and are not trapped with job requirements/clients you don't like but are forced to work on. Then its pure work.
That feeling is the most importsnt requirement. After that, you only need time (a fun time!). No degrees, no fancy hardware, no big companies.

lynnecodes profile image

That's exactly what I want! To not feel like I'm doing something that I'm forced to work on but actually enjoy. And I think I found it in programming. What I'm learning is getting very exciting!

aissshah profile image

Great work! I was in your position not too long ago. Still learning now.

I am also a visual learner and I really like puzzles. So, I spent a lot of time on Codewars, which helped expose me to loads of different methods. Though, it won't teach you anything about the DOM.

Keep us updated! :)

lynnecodes profile image

I really like puzzles too. I’ll check that out. It’s always great to see one problem many different ways. Thanks for the suggestion!

lynnecodes profile image

I’ll definitely be taking the time to read it! Thank you for sharing your article!

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

I got so excited when I finally understood how loops work

Sounds more like understanding programming in general than just understanding javascript. Good luck with your learning :D

lynnecodes profile image

It just felt like figuring one thing out was a gateway to understanding all that’s programming. Haha. What a rush! Thanks for the luck! My brain appreciates it!

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

I am happy for you.

lynnecodes profile image

Thank you so much!

robinsond7691 profile image

Head First books are sooo good. I highly recommend anyone to look through their line up for a book on a subject of interest. They're phenomenal at teaching.

lynnecodes profile image

It was a very good read! There were many times when I thought I wasn't going to get a concept and Head First just explained it so easily!