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Cover image for Resolving Module Version Chaos: Locking Down Dependencies in Python Projects with Poetry
Mazen Alotaibi
Mazen Alotaibi

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Resolving Module Version Chaos: Locking Down Dependencies in Python Projects with Poetry

Hey there! πŸ‘‹ I've got a nifty trick to share about managing Python dependencies, especially when they're not version-locked. Let me walk you through how I tackled it using Poetry.

Problem πŸ€”

Ever faced a requirements.txt that looks like this?

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No version numbers can be a recipe for chaos during builds or at runtime due to inconsistencies. I needed to lock these dependencies to specific versions to keep things smooth and reliable, like this:

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Solution ✨

Why Poetry?

I chose Poetry because it's like the npm of the Python worldβ€”it respects semantic versioning and creates a lock file so every install is consistent. No more "works on my machine" issues!

Step-by-Step Guide

1) Install Poetry:

   curl -sSL | python3 -
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2) Grab a simple pyproject.toml template:

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3) Install those unversioned dependencies:

   cat requirements.txt | xargs poetry add
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4) Export the installed dependencies in a more structured format:

   poetry export -f requirements.txt --output long_requirements.txt --without-hashes
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5) Clean up the exported file:

   # Strip unwanted python version constraints
   cat long_requirements.txt | cut -d ";" -f 1 > with_dep_requirements.txt
   # Filter out extraneous dependencies
   cat requirements.txt | while read line   do echo $(grep -n $line'==' with_dep_requirements.txt | cut -d ":" -f 2) >> final_requirements.txt done
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Result πŸš€

Here’s what you end up with, all dependencies neatly versioned (final_requirements.txt):

... (rest of your dependencies)
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This setup ensures that all packages are locked to specific versions, making your project stable and reproducible wherever it goes. 🌐

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