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Martin Anders
Martin Anders

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React (Native) Interview questions

React Native Lead Developer Interview Questions:

Recently i had to interview someone to join my company. HR was requesting that I do a coding interview but did not like the idea. I prefer instead just to talk about different things that you can answer only when you really into the topic.

React Native

  • What do you like about React Native?
  • What do you dislike about React Native?
  • What is your experience with React Native upgrades?

React State Management

  • What state management solutions have you used in React Native?
  • What are the pros and cons of different state management approaches in React Native?
  • Can and should you use the Context API exclusively for state management in React Native?
  • What are some common challenges with state management in React Native?


  • What testing tools do you use in your daily work with React Native?
  • Are there any specific testing tools or frameworks you would like to use?
  • Can you explain the Testing Trophy concept and how it applies to React Native testing?
  • What is your philosophy on testing with React Native?

Feature Flags

  • Is it possible to conditionally execute hooks in React Native? If so, how?
  • Rules of hooks?
  • How would you implement feature flags in a React Native project?

General Questions

  • What was the hardest problem you had to solve in your last React Native app/project?
  • What was the coolest feature you implemented in your last React Native app/project?

Performance Optimization

  • What techniques have you used to optimize the performance of React Native apps?
  • How do you approach profiling and debugging performance issues in React Native?

Code Quality and Best Practices

  • What coding standards and best practices do you follow in React Native development?
  • How do you ensure code quality and consistency in a React Native project?

Collaboration and Teamwork

  • How do you ensure effective collaboration among developers in a React Native project?
  • How do you handle situations where team members have conflicting opinions or ideas?

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