An alias in the terminal is nothing but a shortcut to commands. The alias command allows the user to launch any command or group of commands by ent...
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If you are using Bash you can automate creating your aliases you have for:
...='cd ../..'
by looping a range of numbers (of your choice, of course) to create each alias in sequence:
In this way you can set more than just a few aliases of this sort and go back as many as 20 directories (or more, of course). Seems pointless or redundant to some, but I find myself navigating dirs this way often lol; maybe I'm just weird. If you're not interested then I'll just remove this post...
The only reason I posted is because I already do it this way and when I seen your post here I thought you or someone else might be interested in my method.
(dot dot dot...) is genius!Damn, this is nuts! 👀😮
Massive thanks for sharing all of these 😍💯
Thanks for reminding me how lazy I am :D
alias sysup='yay -Syu --noconfirm && yay -Syu --aur --noconfirm'
alias l=k
alias g='git'
alias y='yarn'
alias yl='yarn lint --fix'
alias yt='yarn test'
alias src='cd ~/sources'
alias aliases='code ~/.zaliases'
alias cp="cp -i" # Confirm before overwriting something
alias df='df -h' # Human-readable sizes
alias free='free -m' # Show sizes in MB
alias gitu='git add . && git commit && git push'
alias deploy='yarn lint --fix && yarn deploy'
Some useful and often used commands there 😉
Thanks for the input 👍
I don't use them. In before, I used some for git (e.g.
git ci = git commit -m
and so on), but I find it better to type everything manually, so if I do something on my server, I'm not lost because there are no aliases. It also improves my mind a bit because I have to remember things.Hey yo !
Glad the alias list I shared is helpful to a few :)
To try to keep it organised, I split aliases by concern.
This is an excerpt of my .zshrc (it's like .bashrc):
On Ubuntu operating system, I create alias named update_package and it means sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.
It can help me to update and upgrade packages easily on my Linux operating system.
alias please="sudo"
to keep it wholesome and in good taste.
I too have done this in the past - just feels more polite (and may save us during the robotic uprising)
if you're lazy like me, CTRL+L
I used to use gi.
I don't use aliases. But I use zsh with auto completion plugin.