DEV Community

Maël Valais
Maël Valais

Posted on • Originally published at on

The Client-go Transitive Hell

⚠️ I'm not sure this is a transitive issue. It might just not be due to transitivity at all!

Looks like the Kubernetes people chose to break the client-go API without bumping the major version (with a new import path e.g when adding support for context.Context that comes with Kubernetes v1.18. Darren Shepherd reported the issue in February 2020. We were warned:

The v0.x.y tags indicate that go APIs may change in incompatible ways in different versions.

At first, I thought that it would not affect us at Ori since we don’t use any extra dependency that rely on client-go — so no transitive dependencies on client-go, we are the sole user of it. We then began working on some tooling depending on the API of our main project. And the transitive hell began.

Here is what the error looks like:

../../../go/pkg/mod/ not enough arguments in call to watch.NewStreamWatcher
        have (*versioned.Decoder)
        want (watch.Decoder, watch.Reporter)
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On top of that, you might also have a version mismatch between and with the following error:

../../../go/pkg/mod/ s.DefaultConvert undefined (type conversion.Scope has no field or method DefaultConvert)
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If you cannot upgrade to v0.18.* (e.g. you have a transitive dependency that still relies on v0.17.4), a workaround is to set client-go to use the latest pre-v1.18 version:

 require (
- v0.18.1
- v0.18.1
- v0.18.1 //indirect
+ v0.17.4
+ v0.17.4
+ v0.17.4 //indirect
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The v0.17.4 version is the last version of apimachinery and api that stays compatible with client-go pre-v1.18.

Long-term: you want to upgrade to client-go v0.18.* as soon as possible. If the breaking dependencies that still require client-go with no context.Context argument, ask their maintainer (if it is an open-source project) and hopefully that will work... but then, anyone relying on this project will also have then stuff broken.

The project still has v11, v12... version but they stopped tagging new major versions like they did with v11.0.0 (there is no v18.0.0) because they don't use the major used with Go Modules. That's due to the fact that the client-go project doesn't follow the "semantic import versioning" rule. You can't do:

% go get
go get invalid version: module contains a go.mod file, so major version must be compatible: should be v0 or v1, not v12
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That's why the Kubernetes team maintains another set of tags that begin with v0.* (e.g., v0.18.0) for that specific reason. Just a clever way of escaping the semantic import versioning, but all these different versions make it very confusing...

Oh, and when you use the kubernetes-1.17.4 tag, it redirects to the v0.17.4 tag (my guess is that it is infered by go get):

% go get
go: kubernetes-1.17.4 => v0.17.4
go: downloading v0.17.4
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And to make even more confusing, these tags (kubernetes-v1.17.4, v0.17.4 and v12.0.0) are not set on the master branch; instead, they all live on headless branches.

This issue is a reminder that we (Kubernetes hackers who write controllers for a living) heavily rely on the “good will” of the Kubernetes team. These decisions as they might affect anyone relying on Kubernetes "as a platform"... 🤔

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