You know we had to get here eventually. I'm looking into all of the ways that Quine can connect to and ingest streaming sources. Next up is my old friend, the log file.
Log files are a structured stream of parsable data using regular expressions. Log lines are emitted at all levels of an application. The challenge is that they are primarily islands of disconnected bits of the overall picture. Placed into a data pipeline, Quine allows us to combine different types of logs and use a standing query to match interesting patterns upstream of a log analytics solution like Splunk or Sumo Logic.
Log Line Structure
Processing log files can quickly become as messy as the log files themself. I think that it's best to approach a log file like any other data source and take the time to understand the log line structure before asking any questions.
Quine is an application that produces log lines, and just like many other applications, the structure of the log lines follows a pattern. The logline pattern is defined in Scala, making it very easy for us to understand what the log line contains.
pattern = "%date %level [%mdc{akkaSource:-NotFromActor}] [%thread] %logger - %msg%n%ex"
Quine Log RegEx
Each Quine log line was assembled using the pre-defined pattern. This presents a perfect opportunity to use a regular expression, reverse the pattern, and build a streaming graph.
Note, the regex link in the example below uses the log output from a Quine Enterprise cluster. Learn more about the Quine Enterprise and other products created by thatDot on our web site. The regular expression will work for both Quine and Quine Enterprise.
I developed a regular expression that reverses the logline and returns the log elements for use by the ingest stream ingest query. I also published a recipe that uses the regular expression to parse Quine log lines on
(^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3}) # date and time string
\[(\S*)\] # actor address
\[(\S*)\] # thread name
(\S*) # logging class
- # the log message
Quine Log Ingest Stream
In my previous article, I connected to a CSV
file using the CypherCsv
format so that Quine could break the rows of data stored in the file back into columns. The CypherLine
format allows us to read each line into the $that
variable and process it through a Cypher query.
- type: FileIngest
path: $in_file
type: CypherLine
query: |-
// Quine log pattern "%date %level [%mdc{akkaSource:-NotFromActor}] [%thread] %logger - %msg%n%ex"
WITH text.regexFirstMatch($that, "(^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{1,2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d{3}) (FATAL|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG) \\[(\\S*)\\] \\[(\\S*)\\] (\\S*) - (.*)") as r
// 0: whole matched line
// 1: date time string
// 2: log level
// 3: actor address. Might be inside of `…)`
// 4: thread name
// 5: logging class
// 6: Message
WITH *, split(r[3], "/") as path, split(r[6], "(") as msgPts
WITH *, replace(COALESCE(split(path[2], "@")[-1], 'No host'),")","") as qh
MATCH (actor), (msg), (class), (host)
WHERE id(host) = idFrom("host", qh)
AND id(actor) = idFrom("actor", r[3])
AND id(msg) = idFrom("msg", r[0])
AND id(class) = idFrom("class", r[5])
SET host: Host, host.address = split(qh, ":")[0], host.port = split(qh, ":")[-1], = qh,
actor: Actor, actor.address = r[3], = replace(path[-1],")",""), actor.shard = path[-2], actor.type = path[-3],
msg: Message, msg.msg = r[6], msg.type = split(msgPts[0], " ")[0], msg.level = r[2],
class: Class, class.class = r[5]
WITH * CALL reify.time(datetime({date: localdatetime(r[1], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS")})) YIELD node AS time
CREATE (actor)-[:sent]->(msg),
The ingest stream definition:
- Reads Quine log lines from a file
- Parses each line with regex
- Creates host, actor, message, and class nodes
- Populates the node properties
- Relates the nodes in the streaming graph
- Anchors the message with a relationship to a time node from
Configuring Quine Logs
Ok, let's run this recipe and see how it works. By default, the log level in Quine is set to WARN
. We can increase the log level in the configuration or pass in a Java system configuration property when we launch Quine.
Note: Set the log level in Quine (or Quine Enterprise) via the
configuration option.
Setting Log Level in Configuration
Start by getting your current Quine configuration. The easiest way to get the configuration is to start Quine and then GET
the configuration via an API call.
❯ curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
> quine.conf
Edit the quine.conf
file and add "thatdot":{"loglevel":"DEBUG"},
before the quine
❯ jq '.' quine.conf
"thatdot": {
"loglevel": "DEBUG"
"quine": {
"decline-sleep-when-access-within": "0",
"decline-sleep-when-write-within": "100ms",
"dump-config": false,
"edge-iteration": "reverse-insertion",
"id": {
"partitioned": false,
"type": "uuid"
"in-memory-hard-node-limit": 75000,
"in-memory-soft-node-limit": 10000,
"labels-property": "__LABEL",
"metrics-reporters": [
"type": "jmx"
"persistence": {
"effect-order": "memory-first",
"journal-enabled": true,
"snapshot-schedule": "on-node-sleep",
"snapshot-singleton": false,
"standing-query-schedule": "on-node-sleep"
"shard-count": 4,
"should-resume-ingest": false,
"store": {
"create-parent-dir": false,
"filepath": "quine.db",
"sync-all-writes": false,
"type": "rocks-db",
"write-ahead-log": true
"timeout": "2m",
"webserver": {
"address": "",
"enabled": true,
"port": 8080
Now, restart Quine and include the config.file
java -Dconfig.file=quine.conf -jar quine-x.x.x.jar > quineLog.log
level log lines will stream into the quineLog.log
Passing Log Level at Runtime
Another slightly more straightforward way to enable Quine logs is to pass in a Java system configuration property. Here's how to start Quine and enable logging from the command line.
java -Dthatdot.loglevel=DEBUG -jar quine-x.x.x.jar > quineLog.log
level log lines will stream into the quineLog.log
Ingesting Other Log Formats
You can easily modify the regex I developed for Quine log lines above to parse similar log output, like those found in *nix based system files or other Java applications.
Standard-ish Java Log Output
Depending on the log level
, Java emits a lot of information into logs. This ingest stream handles application log lines from most Java applications. Sometimes the log entry itself spans multiple lines.
- type: FileIngest
path: $app_log
type: CypherJson
query: |-
WITH *, text.regexFirstMatch($that.message, '^(\\d{4}(?:-\\d{2}){2}(?:[^]\\r?\\n]+))\\s+?\\[(.+?)\\]\\s+?(\\S+?)\\s+(.+?)\\s+\\-\\s+((?:(?!^\\d{4}(?:-\\d{2}){2}(?:[^|\\r?\\n]+){3}).*(?:\\r?\\n)?)+)') AS r WHERE r IS NOT NULL
CREATE (log {
timestamp: r[1],
component: r[2],
level: r[3],
subprocess: r[4],
message: r[5],
type: 'log'
// Create hour/minute buckets per event
WITH * WHERE r[1] IS NOT NULL CALL reify.time(datetime({date: localdatetime(r[1], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS")}), ["hour","minute"]) YIELD node AS timeNode
// Create edges for timenNodes
CREATE (log)-[:at]->(timeNode)
Ubuntu Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Syslog
If you're developing distributed applications, you will most likely need a regular expression that parses the Ubuntu /var/log/syslog
file. First, you need to edit /etc/rsyslog.conf
and uncomment the line to emit the traditional DateTime
# Use traditional timestamp format.
# To enable high precision timestamps, comment out the following line.
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat
The log line format is:
%timestamp:::date-rfc3339% %HOSTNAME% %app-name% %procid% %msgid% %msg%n
- type: FileIngest
path: $syslog
type: CypherLine
query: |-
WITH text.regexFirstMatch($that, '^(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d*?\\+\\d{2}:\\d{2}|Z).?\\s(.*?)(?=\\s).?\\s(\\S+)\\[(\\S+)\\]:\\s(.*)') AS s WHERE s IS NOT NULL
CREATE (syslog {
timestamp: s[1],
hostname: s[2],
app_name: s[3],
proc_id: s[4],
message: s[5],
type: 'syslog'
// Create hour/minute buckets per event
WITH * WHERE s[1] IS NOT NULL CALL reify.time(datetime({date: localdatetime(s[1], "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSz")}), ["hour","minute"]) YIELD node AS timeNode
// Create edges for timenNodes
CREATE (syslog)-[:at]->(timeNode)
MySQL Error Log
Working on a web application that's been around for a while, it's probably sitting on top of a MySQL database. The traditional-format MySQL log messages have these fields:
time thread [label] [err_code] [subsystem] msg
For example:
2022-04-14T06:55:26.961757Z 0 [System] [MY-011323] [Server] X Plugin ready for connections. Socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock
Add these log entries to your streaming graph for analysis too.
- type: FileIngest
path: $sqlerr_log
type: CypherLine
query: |-
WITH text.regexFirstMatch($that, '^(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{6}Z)\\s(\\d)\\s\\[(\\S+)\\]\\s\\[(\\S+)\\]\\s\\[(\\S+)\\]\\s(.*)') AS m WHERE m IS NOT NULL
CREATE (sqllog {
timestamp: m[1],
thread: m[2],
label: m[3],
err_code: m[4],
subsystem: m[5],
message: m[6],
type: 'sqllog'
// Create hour/minute buckets per event
WITH * WHERE m[1] IS NOT NULL CALL reify.time(datetime({date: localdatetime(m[1], "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSz")}), ["hour","minute"]) YIELD node AS timeNode
// Create edges for timenNodes
CREATE (sqllog)-[:at]->(timeNode)
Streaming data comes from all kinds of sources. With Quine, it's easy to convert that data stream into a streaming graph.
Quine is open source if you want to run this analysis for yourself. Download a precompiled version or build it yourself from the codebase (Quine Github). I published the recipe that I developed at
Have a question, suggestion, or improvement? I welcome your feedback! Please drop in to Quine Slack and let me know. I'm always happy to discuss Quine or answer questions.
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