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Maia Taewana
Maia Taewana

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Visual live-coding proof-of-concept

This is a proof-of-concept for the API.

The goals for this tiny visual live-coding library is to:

  1. Avoid bundlers.
  2. Native JS module (dynamic "import").
  3. No runtime overhead.

Here is the current experiment:

Alt Text


In order to achieve the zero overhead goal, to link between connected "blocks" in the render-tree, we need:

  1. A context propagation phase going from top to bottom.
  2. A linking phase returning children update functions from bottom to top.
  3. A call or update phase with the result.

Render tree

Here is the tree for this example:

[ main ]
[ anim.Loop ]
[ three.WebGLRenderer ]
[ three.Scene ]
[ three.Mesh -----------------------------------]
[ three.Rotation.x ] [ three.Rotation.y ] [ ... ]
[ time.Now ]         [ time.Now ]         [ ... ]
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import { Context, Node } from './context'

// Context phase (1)
// The 'object3D' received here is the three.Scene
export function init({ THREE, object3D, cache, detached }: Context): Node {
  const mesh = cache('object3D', () => {
    const dim = 1
    const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(dim, dim, dim)
    const material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: 0x156289,
      emissive: 0x072534,
      side: THREE.DoubleSide,
      flatShading: true,

    const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
    return mesh

  if (detached) {
    if (mesh.parent) {
  // Context update. Now 'object3D' for children is the
  // cube mesh.
  return { object3D: mesh }
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import { Context, Node } from './context'

// Context phase (1)
// The 'object3D' object is the cube from three.Mesh
export function init({ object3D, detached }: Context): Node {
  const rotation = object3D.rotation
  rotation.x = 0
  if (detached) {
    return {}

  return {
    // Link phase (2)
    // Arguments are the linked children.
    link({ number: rotateX }) {
      const x = rotateX || () => 0
      return {
        // Update phase (3)
        update() {
          rotation.x = x()
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import { Context, Node } from './context'

// Context phase (1)
// Receives the "time" object from anim.Loop far up
// in the tree.
export function init({ time }: Context): Node {
  return {
    // Link phase (2)
    // Does not have children
    link: () => ({
      // Update phase (3)
      // Returns a number. This is the function called by
      // three.Rotation.x on update.
      number: () =>,
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Full code on github:

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