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Setup a Micro-Frontend architecture in 15min with Vite!

Meidi Airouche on December 10, 2024

In a monolithic frontend architecture, a single codebase handles the entire user interface. While this can simplify initial development, it can bec...
griffinrivera profile image
Griffin Rivera

Thanks for sharing.

han_yang_20969b18accbe79e profile image
Han Yang

very good tutorial, but angular v19 do not have .\app\app.module.ts, in dist folder, vue generated header.umd.cjs file, react do not generate trending.umd.js.

mairouche profile image
Meidi Airouche

I passed everything in ESM since it's more standard now. Thank you for the feedback <3

han_yang_20969b18accbe79e profile image
Han Yang • Edited

current status - 2024-12-11 - base concept works fine

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mairouche profile image
Meidi Airouche

I added the repository with the overall code working (except for Angular) at the end of the article :

mahmoudalaskalany profile image
Mahmoud Alaskalany

Thanks for this post i will try this with angular

lwz7512 profile image

Couldnt integrate angular app, got error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/apps/highlights/dist/main.js' does not provide an export named 'mount' (at main.js:3:10)

has anyone make it run successful?

mairouche profile image
Meidi Airouche

Depends on the version. Try with this in src/main.js:

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';

function mount(el: HTMLElement) {
  const bootstrap = async () => {
    const appElement = document.createElement('app-highlights');
    await platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);

  bootstrap().catch(err => console.error(err));

export { mount };
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lwz7512 profile image

got an abnormal main.js file under dist folder:

"use strict";(self.webpackChunkhighlights=self.webpackChunkhighlights||[]).push([[792],{429:(e,o,_)=>{}},e=>{e(e.s=429)}]);
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Do you mind sharing your full project code? this is really interesting...i have never seen a solution like this...

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mairouche profile image
Meidi Airouche

I update to last versions and share it tomorrow. I ping you in comment when it's done

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mairouche profile image
Meidi Airouche • Edited

@lwz7512 Indeed, I was using module federation with old Angular versions. I will find out what's the best approach between, widgets, module federation or web component and propose it in an edit of the article.