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JavaScript MMORPG - Maiu Online - #babylonjs - Ep: 26 Abilities definitions and new targeting marks

This week I spent mostly on thinking about future gameplay. I did several tests and prototypes, I know much more then before and I gain some knowledge about limitations and problems which gameplay related stuff brings into the game.

From the stuff that is visible I managed to improve targeting marking. I added new target mark under the mesh and outline around it.
Recently I had some problems and most of the area of the meshes didn't triggered cursorOver/cursorPick events, it was occurring for random entities and i didn't manage to replicate it in the babylonjs playground. To not spend to much time on this problem which might be related to the mesh itself I fixed it with a hack. Each entity has assigned cylinder which is user for picking and it works quite good :)
I made first steps into abilities. Since now each class has 2 abilities, which are fetched from the server with all related data: icons, descriptions, animations names etc... Also there's tooltip with spell description - again i didn't manage to make tooltip showing next to the icon so i picked ad hoc solution and it's displayed in the middle of the screen.
The last thing which I added are tabs in the settings panel.

Last 3 days i spent on rewriting player controller system , adding key bindings and handling user inputs with some more structured way. I broke movement and combat and for now it's not working :p. I hope this version(4th or 5th one) which I'm working on will be final and soon I'll be able to continue working on the abilities.

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