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Manoj Swami
Manoj Swami

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45-Day Data Structures and Algorithms Roadmap (2 hours/day) using JavaScript

Week 1-2: Arrays and Strings

  • Days 1-4: Arrays

    • Topics: Traversal, insertion, deletion, searching
    • LeetCode problems: 1, 26, 27, 35, 53, 66, 88, 283, 448, 485
    • Topic "Mastering Array Manipulation in JavaScript"
  • Days 5-8: Strings

    • Topics: String methods, manipulation, searching
    • LeetCode problems: 13, 14, 20, 28, 58, 125, 344, 345, 387, 443
    • Topic "String Algorithms Every JavaScript Developer Should Know"
  • Days 9-12: Two Pointers Technique

    • Topics: Two pointers for arrays and strings
    • LeetCode problems: 11, 15, 16, 18, 26, 27, 75, 88, 125, 167
    • Topic "Efficient Problem Solving with Two Pointers in JavaScript"
  • Days 13-14: Review and Practice

    • Solve mixed problems from previous topics**
    • Topic "Weeks 1-2 Reflections: Mastering Arrays and Strings"

Week 3-4: Linked Lists and Stacks/Queues

  • Days 15-19: Linked Lists

    • Topics: Singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, operations
    • LeetCode problems: 21, 83, 141, 160, 203, 206, 234, 237, 876, 1290
    • Topic "Implementing and Manipulating Linked Lists in JavaScript"
  • Days 20-24: Stacks and Queues

    • Topics: Implementation, operations, applications
    • LeetCode problems: 20, 155, 225, 232, 496, 682, 844, 933, 1021, 1047
    • Topic "Stack and Queue Data Structures: From Theory to Practice in JavaScript"
  • Days 25-26: Review and Practice

    • Solve mixed problems from previous topics
    • Topic "Weeks 3-4 Reflections: Linking Data with Lists, Stacks, and Queues"

Week 5-6: Hash Tables and Sets

  • Days 27-31: Hash Tables

    • Topics: Hashing, collision resolution, implementation
    • LeetCode problems: 1, 136, 202, 205, 217, 349, 350, 387, 409, 705
    • Topic "Harnessing the Power of Hash Tables in JavaScript"
  • Days 32-35: Sets

    • Topics: Set operations, implementation
    • LeetCode problems: 217, 349, 383, 389, 409, 575, 645, 804, 1002, 1346
    • Topic "Set Theory in Practice: Solving Problems with JavaScript Sets"
  • Days 36-38: Review and Advanced Problems

    • Solve mixed problems combining previous topics
    • Topic "Weeks 5-6 Reflections: Combining Hash Tables and Sets for Efficient Problem Solving"

Week 7-8: Trees and Graphs

  • Days 39-41: Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees

    • Topics: Tree traversal, searching, insertion, deletion
    • LeetCode problems: 94, 100, 101, 104, 108, 110, 111, 112, 226, 543
    • Topic "Branching Out: Mastering Binary Trees in JavaScript"
  • Days 42-44: Basic Graph Concepts

    • Topics: Graph representation, DFS, BFS
    • LeetCode problems: 133, 200, 463, 547, 695, 733, 841, 1254, 1466, 1971
    • Topic "Graphing Your Way Through Algorithms: A JavaScript Journey"
  • Day 45: Final Review and Reflection

    • Solve mixed problems from all topics
    • Topic "45 Days of DSA: Lessons Learned and Path Forward"

Daily Routine (2 hours)

  1. Study the topic of the day (30-45 minutes)
  2. Solve 1-2 LeetCode problems related to the topic (45-60 minutes)
  3. Implement key data structures or algorithms from scratch (15-20 minutes)
  4. Review and optimize previous solutions (10-15 minutes)
  5. Work on your blog post (10-15 minutes)

Remember to:

  • Use JavaScript's built-in methods and data structures when applicable
  • Focus on understanding the problem-solving approach rather than memorizing solutions
  • Analyze the time and space complexity of your solutions
  • Regularly review and revise previous topics to reinforce learning

Top comments (1)

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza

not enough