Recently I've been learning a little bit of PowerShell, initially for the sake of automating some tedious tasks I had to do at work like calling a REST endpoint 10-20 times to populate some DB for testing or simply pipelining some CLI commands.
The thing is, as I got more comfortable with PS, I started to realize the huge amount of things that can be done with scripts which make our day to day easier. The biggest one that came to my mind was Salesforce deployments.
Usually, once we've finished developing a certain feature in Salesforce, we run all tests, pull all our changes from the environment where we were developing (In Salesforce, you develop remotely, not locally), deploy to a staging environment and run again the tests there.
The issue is that that process involves a lot of manual steps. So I decided to try and automate it. For it, I looked into the SFDX CLI and tried to reuse most of its features: an authentication command, the actual command which calls the deployment endpoint, etc.
Eventually, after a few hours, the result was this:
# | |
param([string] $repositoryDirectory, [bool] $isProduction) | |
# TODO - git integration. Select a branch and check it out for deploy. | |
# TODO - break stuff into functions and reusable pieces. ¿piping? ¿cmdlets? | |
# TODO - Allow directory structures? | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green ":: Validating Repository ::" | |
$srcDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($repositoryDirectory, "src") | |
if(![System.IO.File]::Exists([System.IO.Path]::Combine($srcDirectory,"package.xml"))) { | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "ERROR: package.xml not found in the ./src directory." | |
exit | |
} | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "`n:: Authenticating to Salesforce ::" | |
if($isProduction) { | |
sfdx force:auth:web:login -s -r "" | |
} | |
else { | |
sfdx force:auth:web:login -s -r "" | |
} | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "`n:: Deploying source code ::" | |
$deployJob = sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d $srcDirectory -l "RunLocalTests" --json | ConvertFrom-Json | |
$deployJobId = $ | |
$startedTests = $false | |
do { | |
$report = sfdx force:mdapi:deploy:report -i $deployJobId --json --verbose 2>&1 | ConvertFrom-Json | |
if($null -eq $report) { | |
continue | |
} | |
# Deployment progress block. | |
if($report.result.numberComponentsTotal -ne 0 -and $componentsRemaining -ne 0) { | |
$deploymentRatio = [Math]::Ceiling(100 * ($report.result.numberComponentsDeployed / $report.result.numberComponentsTotal)) | |
$componentsRemaining = $report.result.numberComponentsTotal - $report.result.numberComponentsDeployed - $report.result.numberComponentsFailed | |
# If the percentage is not yet 100%, update it. | |
if($deploymentRatio -le 100) { | |
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`rComponents deployed: " $deploymentRatio "%" | |
} | |
# If the deployment has failed | |
if($report.result.status -eq "Failed") { | |
break | |
} | |
} | |
# Write next header. | |
if(($report.result.numberTestsTotal -ne 0) -and ($startedTests -eq $false)) { | |
$startedTests = $true | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "`n`n:: Running tests ::" | |
} | |
# Write Test progress | |
if($report.result.numberTestsTotal -ne 0 -and $testsRemaining -ne 0) { | |
$testRatio = [Math]::Ceiling((100 * ($report.result.numberTestsCompleted / $report.result.numberTestsTotal))) | |
$testsRemaining = $report.result.numberTestsTotal - $report.result.numberTestErrors - $report.result.numberTestsCompleted | |
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`rTests passed: " $testRatio "% | Tests remaining: " $testsRemaining | |
} | |
if($testsRemaining -eq 0 -and $report.result.numberTestErrors -gt 0) { | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "`nERROR: $($report.result.numberTestErrors) tests have failed" | |
exit | |
} | |
} while(($report.result.status -eq "InProgress") -or ($report.result.status -eq "Pending")) | |
if($report.result.status -eq "Failed") { | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "`n`nERROR Deployment Failed!" | |
$report = sfdx force:mdapi:deploy:report -i $deployJobId --json --verbose 2>&1 | ConvertFrom-Json | |
foreach($failure in $report.result.details.componentFailures) { | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "`t - " $failure.problem | |
} | |
exit | |
} | |
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "`n`n:: Deployment Successful! ::" |
It's a little nifty script which prompts a tab in your default browser so you log into the destination org and pipelines the deployment and the running of tests with real-time status in the console. That I did simply by polling the API.
There are, of course, many things to be improved in the script but, as a starter, it's already saving me a lot of time! :)
Top comments (2)
Powershell is awesome, you might look into named parameters and validations on those parameters saves a lot of headaches. I typically lean toward using Write-Output instead of Write-Host but that might be a personal preference.
Yeah, thanks for the heads up Alan :)
As for the
, the main reason to use it is the colors. Since it's mainly a script to be executed by the user from the console, I thought the colors would be nice. But otherwise, just like you said,Write-Output
is always better.