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Marie Weaver
Marie Weaver

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A Comparison of Frontend Frameworks: Ember vs. React

Ember vs. React
Ember and React are two of the most popular front-end frameworks on the market today. Though both of these JavaScript libraries have been in development for several years now, they both attract plenty of new adopters every month due to their ability to help developers write JavaScript applications that handle user interactions smoothly and support fast page loads (for Ember) or dynamically rendered components (for React).

Which one you choose depends on your preferences and your project’s requirements. Let’s take a quick look at how these frameworks compare to one another.

About Ember.js

Ember is an open-source JavaScript web framework that’s been gaining popularity in the community thanks to its stability, performance, and ease of use. With all the buzz about Ember, many people want to know what it does and how it can help their projects.

Ember.js creates ambitious web applications, which are often known as single-page web applications, or SPAs. Ember provides many features to make building a SPA easier: in-built data binding, templating language (Handlebars), routing library (Glimmer), and much more.

Advantages of using Ember.js

Some of the advantages of using the framework are:

  • Ember.js is built for speed and ease of use, which means that as long as you have a basic understanding of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, you can start building web applications from the ground up in no time at all.
  • Other notable features include its powerful object-oriented capabilities with robust mixins that enable developers to create reusable code libraries for both frontend and backend functionality.
  • Its integrated tools like the Ember Inspector for debugging your application
  • Its real-time performance with automatic DOM updates via AJAX requests, and it's just an overall great framework for any developer looking to get started with front-end development!
  • Separation of concerns: Components are separate from one another with their own specific logic, making it easier to debug errors
  • Handlebars templating engine: The Handlebars templating language lets developers define sections of code that represent HTML code that will render the desired page content
  • Simplistic structure: This framework offers an easy set up process with its simplified structure that guides developers through creating a strong foundation for their projects

Disadvantages of using the framework

Some of the disadvantages of using the framework are:

  • it's still new, it's not well-documented, it doesn't have many plug-ins available yet, and there aren't many tutorials available for it online.
  • It's still new - Ember.js has only been out since 2011, so we're in a period where there isn't much documentation or tutorials on how to use it effectively.
  • It also lacks many plugins that other frameworks like AngularJS and React provide so this means users will be stuck with whatever solutions they find online or through their research when they encounter a problem they can't solve themselves.
  • There's also not as much community support as some of the more popular frameworks, either because it's new or it hasn't caught on just yet.

About React

React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces (UIs). It is used to build user interfaces. React has been around since 2011, but it's currently seeing an uptick in adoption as more people explore the benefits of its features. One of the main benefits of using React is that it lets you create web pages and apps in just about any programming language- including Java, Python, Ruby, Swift, C#, and more!

For example, if you're working on an app in Swift and want to switch from Objective-C to Swift 3.0+, you can still use the power of React by coding your HTML markup and CSS stylesheets in Swift 3.0+. In this way, you can use all the modern tools available for iOS development without needing to learn another language like Objective-C or Java.

Key features

  • React is a powerful library that simplifies the process of creating user interfaces.
  • A declarative and functional programming style, which makes it easier to write code and debug it.
  • The Virtual DOM, which improves the speed at which changes are visible on the screen.
  • An easy to use API and a rich ecosystem of third party libraries that make your life as an app developer much easier.
  • You may want to use it to create something interactive or dynamic, like an animated banner ad or an app.
  • React is a popular library because it doesn't require additional libraries and lets you easily compose reusable components without a lot of boilerplate code.
  • It also makes debugging easy by displaying your component's props and state in the browser.

Advantages of using React

React is one of many libraries available to build interactive web applications. It has several advantages over alternatives such as jQuery, Angular, or Vue.js. React:

  • Removes the boilerplate of vanilla JavaScript, simplifying the code you write and making it easier to debug when things go wrong Allows developers to define how UI elements are rendered by using reusable components that can be composed together like building blocks
  • Allows developers to create views that update automatically when data changes without having to refresh them in the browser manually
  • Is just one part of an ecosystem that includes tools such as Redux, Flow, and Jest, which provide additional features needed for modern web applications


React has some disadvantages that make it less desirable than other frameworks.
The first is the lack of an official version controlling system.

  • React's creators have not yet created one, and there are no plans to do so shortly, meaning your code will not be backed up by any revision control system. This is a major drawback for software engineers because if you want to deploy new code, you will need to merge your changes into the production branch on GitHub manually.
  • There are also some problems with the syntax of JSX.
  • If you're already familiar with HTML or Ruby, React shouldn't be too difficult to pick up. However, if you come from a Java background or are new to programming, you may find React more challenging than other frameworks.
  • In addition, developers who use React might encounter unexpected performance issues due to its reliance on DOM diffing (the process of determining what changed in the DOM) rather than using explicit rendering commands as we see in AngularJS (for example).

React's time-saving advantages might make up for these issues, but until these disadvantages are addressed by the framework's creators, React won't be ideal for all projects.

Which is more Scalable?

Ember and React have different approaches to the way that data is fetched. Ember relies on a two-way data binding mechanism where information has synchronized between the user interface and the back end.

React's design is one-way only: it updates the UI without updating the data model. React is scalable because it can more easily be deployed to multiple devices. It has been designed for an environment with limited resources like phones, tablets, and desktops. In contrast, Ember might not scale as well because when there is a lot of change in content or interaction on the screen, it will lag.

Which is more Secure?

Ember has a more secure architecture. Ember is built on a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework, which separates data and presentation logic. React is also built on an MVC framework but uses functional programming to separate data and presentation logic. Functional programming is less likely to be secure because it’s difficult to tell what variables are passed into each function. Therefore, you should consider security factors before you hire web developers in the UK.

Which is more high performing?

Ember.js is a full-featured framework with a robust set of defaults for building high-performing web applications. React, on the other hand, is just the V in MVC. The model and view layers are left to the developer to implement. There are many more differences between these two frameworks, but the performance implications are worth noting.

React doesn't have as much built-in scaffolding as Ember does, so there's some work to do before you can start coding your app. And this also means that you'll need to weigh the pros and cons when creating your app from scratch with React or using an existing app with Ember because you'll be starting with less code and, therefore, less performance out of the box.

Which is easy to learn?

Ember is easy to learn because it shares some syntax with the Ruby programming language. It also has a lot of conventions, which means you can get up and running with the framework quickly without much prior knowledge about how front-end development works. React, on the other hand, requires more time and effort to learn because you need to know how JSX works, which is a different way to create HTML in JavaScript, as well as understand how components work to use them effectively.


Ember and React are popular frontend frameworks that offer a lot of value to developers. Depending on the project, one may be more suitable than the other. Although they are similar in many ways, some key differences might make one framework a better choice than the other, depending on what you're working on. But which technology should you use?

The answer is not as simple as it may seem, but there are a few things you can consider to help you decide what framework is right for your project. If your SPA needs to be simple and fast, then you'll probably want to go with Ember because it has a simpler API and less boilerplate code than React does. If you're in need of something that's more flexible or has a lot more features, then React may be what you're looking for.

Ultimately, it is up to you and your project needs to determine which framework is the best fit for your team's goals. There are many factors that go into deciding what framework will work best for you, so it can be hard to make a decision with all the information out there - if this is where you find yourself, hire a web application development agency in the UK like Hidden Brains UK! Our team has experience in not only building web applications but also working with these frameworks on projects before and can help provide guidance to help you make an informed decision about which frontend framework will work best for your project.

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