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Illustrated JS: JavaScript asynchronous behaviour

Marina Costa on August 06, 2020

While learning JavaScript and programming in general, I find it useful to take notes and create some analogies to understand the concepts. Here I w...
hiboabd profile image
Hibo Abdilaahi

I really enjoyed reading this - you have an ability to explain complex concepts really clearly and simply. I also recently published an article on asychronicity and it was useful to double check my understanding with this article. Keep it up! I'm looking forward to the promises article :)

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Thanks for the feedback and the encouragement. I've just read your article as well, really nice. :D

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Hi @marinafroes !! Any chance you would be willing to submit a brief explanation of this awesome analogy via voice recording so we can feature your voice and thoughts on the DevDiscuss podcast soon? Details are in this post 🙂

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Hi, Gracie. Why not? I will try to record an explanation and submit it. Thank you for contacting me. 😊

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Thank you! We are excited to feature you on DevDiscuss!

ephraimdavid22 profile image

Ma'am, i think Javascript is synchronous by 'default! which means "the Baker needs to finish the baking before moving to icing..that is to say;

// this code would run synchronously
// printing in orderly form
console.log('printing one')
console.log('printing two')

We introduce asynchronous operations into the game when working with APIs as you said.. which means the code below would run asynchronously.
lets use asynchronous function setTimeOut() to simulate a delay comparable to the delays when trying to fetch a data via an API

console.log('printing one')

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('time up')
}, 2000)

console.log('printing two')

When the code above runs, the two console.log() calls would print first, then the setTimeOut(). This is because by passing a callback function into setTimeOut() we are making the request asynchronous. NB: callback functions typical makes our code asynchronous.

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Hey Agbeze, thank you for your contribution. :D
In the example above, I can start preparing the icing while I bake the cake because I'm using a promise, as I made a brief reference at the end of the article. In the next article, I explain a little more about promise and I'm writing one that talks about the event loop and setTimeout. I think it will be clearer this way.
Anyway, to make it clearer, I made the following edition in the text:

In fact, JavaScript is asynchronous, and in our cake example, the baker is able to start making the icing while they wait for the cake to be baked.


In fact, JavaScript has some resources that allows us to make it asynchronous, and in our cake example, the baker is able to start making the icing while they wait for the cake to be baked.

robi_a_p profile image
Bagobo • Edited

Wow you amaze me with ability to explain complex concept to simple.

thx u help me

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Oh, thanks. :D

robi_a_p profile image

hi marina, i'm new in javascript. do you have any tips for me to improve skills quickly ?


Thread Thread
marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

After some time learning programming, but not being able to retain most things I learned, I realised that I was getting a lot of input and returning very little output.

In other words, I was learning a lot, but I wasn't writing about it or applying everything I learned, so I was forgetting the concepts and performing poorly in job interviews.

So I suggest that you start writing about the things you learn and apply everything building projects. Also, it is important to share everything you do and ask for feedback, the community is great and supportive and you will learn faster that way.

I hope it helps. 😀

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robi_a_p profile image

unfortunately I do not believe in myself to publish my work. I learned a lot but always lost during job interviews so that's how I just freelance and keep learning. maybe after reading your tips I will try to publish my work soon.

Hey marina thanks for the advice, very helpful.

❤️ from me 😎

Thread Thread
marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

I face the same issue and I know many other developers feel the same way, it's the imposter syndrome.
Try to keep in mind that the worst thing that can happen when you publish your work is that someone will tell you that you made a mistake, but in that case you just fix it and learn something new. :D
I wish you all the luck. 😊

ramesh profile image
Ramesh Elaiyavalli

Great post, Marina! Your illustrations are AMAZING. 🙌

Understand the difference between async and defer. Keep your promises! 🤝

Please take it to the next level. Learn web workers and service workers. They sound similar, do very different things.

Read, post & illustrate with these fantastic sketches. Rinse and repeat.

Soon you will have enough material to publish a JS cartoon book. You get rich, maybe; famous, most definitely!! 😬

Best wishes.

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Hi Ramesh, thanks so much for your support and feedback. This motivates me to keep learning and doing the illustrations.

I will definitely add the topics you suggested to my learning list.

I already have some other articles in mind, I hope to be able to publish them here soon.

Best, Marina

mjgs profile image
Mark Smith

Really like the baking analogy and lovely illustrations.

Perhaps this is splitting hairs but it’s the “javascript runtime“ that is single threaded. The way it’s implemented is slightly different in the browser and in NodeJS, but essentially it’s a system of queues.

This article goes into a bit more depth:

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Hey Mark, thanks for contributing! I'm glad you mentioned this, one of the next posts that I want to write is about JS environments and this article you shared may help me. Thanks ☺️

derjontte profile image
John Nordqvist • Edited

I would totally love it if You had an illustration of what happens if the oven hasn't returned a promise of a cake - i.e. the chef just spreading the icing on an empty plate and serve it, which is pretty much how I feel in situations like that... 😜

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Well, the next post is about promises, there is still an opportunity for that to happen.
I promise I'll think about it. 😂 Thanks for contributing.

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Did you notice any error or know how to improve the explanation? Please help me out and share it on the comments! I would love to learn more about it. :)

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk • Edited

Non tech feedback: now I often end my articles with a dedicated paragraph to wrap things up, promise a next article, ask opinions and "thank reader for reading" 🙂

(maybe with some social links) 😉

leocck profile image
Leonardo Kasperavičius

"Promise a next article" << I see what you did there ;)

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Nice, I'll do the same. :D

sagonz profile image

I loved the illustrations on these, very adorable and they help illustrate the point in my opinion!

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Thanks Sara. I'm happy to read this. I started following you and I'm looking forward to reading your future posts.
I'm also looking for my first job on the field, so let's support each other. :D

sagonz profile image

All the best! I followed you back! Let's do this :)

manyorock profile image
Judith Ogar

I love this piece, so easy to understand thank you.

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Thanks, I'm glad to read that. :D

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Wow, a programmer with an illustration background praising both my illustrations and my article? You made my day. Thanks. :D

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Wow what a well explained article those diagrams really helped to break down a complex problem into a simple solution well done.

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Thanks, I'm happy to read this. :D

robole profile image
Rob OLeary

Fun illustrations, nice job

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Thanks :D I'm glad you liked it.

leocck profile image
Leonardo Kasperavičius

Hey, congratz Marina!
Well written and super helpful article :)

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Hey Leonardo, thanks! :D

pentacular profile image

It might be worthwhile mentioning that you can get more javascript processors to allow parallelism via things like WebWorkers.

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Yes, I'll read about WebWorkers to learn more about it.
Thanks for contributing. :)

kosich profile image
Kostia Palchyk

This is amazing, Marina 🙂

marinafroes profile image
Marina Costa

Hi Kostia, thanks a lot. :D

nirzar52 profile image
Nirzar Patel

Well Explained!

mauricioyair profile image
Mauricio Yair

Just when I'm learning async

Thank you 😉

olsha100 profile image

You did a great job with this article :) I'm really impressed!