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Write something about hardware and software you are using everyday

One of the blogs i am following has a topic where developers share with everybody what tools they use in everyday development. It is really fun to see what is daily setup of other developers. Fell free to post it here. :)

Top comments (3)

joshichinmay profile image
Chinmay Joshi
  1. Dell Latitude series laptop, equipped with Ubuntu 14.04
  2. Editor - Atom (usually), VS code - when I have to work on multiple projects simultaneously.
  3. Terminal along with zsh.
  4. Trello for project management.
  5. for reviewing pull requests.
  6. Hipchat and slack for communication
  7. And how can I not tell about my headphones? Sony MDR-XB55AP! :D

...and much more I guess!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
  • 2016 MacBook
  • VS Code
  • Terminal

Not sure what brand my external monitors are.

Not sure where to draw the line on software. Plenty of team/deployment stuff.

ewoks profile image

2014 MacBook Pro (@Work)
Mid 2011 MacMini (@Home) - pimped up with 16GB RAM and SSD, but starting to feel slow ...
any advices for home upgrade?