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Apache AGE Intro-2

In this article, I have discussed about data types in Apache AGE. AGE uses a custom data type called agtype, which is the only data type returned by AGE. Below we have classified Simple Data Types in AGE:

1. Null:

In Cypher, null is used to represent missing or undefined values. Conceptually, null means ‘a missing unknown value’ and it is treated somewhat differently from other values. For example getting a property from a vertex that does not have said property produces null.
Not knowing two values does not imply that they are the same value. So the expression null = null yields null and not true.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
$$) AS (null_result agtype);
A null will appear as an empty space.


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2. Integer:

The integer type stores whole numbers, i.e. numbers without fractional components. Integer data type is a 64-bit field that stores values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Attempts to store values outside this range will result in an error.

The type integer is the common choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and performance. The smallint type is generally used only if disk space is at a premium. The bigint type is designed to be used when the range of the integer type is insufficient.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    RETURN 1
$$) AS (int_result agtype);

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3. Float:

The data type float is an inexact, variable-precision numeric type, conforming to the IEEE-754 Standard.

Inexact means that some values cannot be converted exactly to the internal format and are stored as approximations, so that storing and retrieving a value might show slight discrepancies. Managing these errors and how they propagate through calculations is the subject of an entire branch of mathematics and computer science and will not be discussed here, except for the following points:

If you require exact storage and calculations (such as for monetary amounts), use the numeric type instead.

If you want to do complicated calculations with these types for anything important, especially if you rely on certain behavior in boundary cases (infinity, underflow), you should evaluate the implementation carefully.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    RETURN 1.0
$$) AS (float_result agtype);

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4. Numeric:

The type numeric can store numbers with a very large number of digits. It is especially recommended for storing monetary amounts and other quantities where exactness is required. Calculations with numeric values yield exact results where possible, e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication. However, calculations on numeric values are very slow compared to the integer types, or to the floating-point type.

We use the following terms below: The precision of a numeric is the total count of significant digits in the whole number, that is, the number of digits to both sides of the decimal point. The scale of a numeric is the count of decimal digits in the fractional part, to the right of the decimal point. So the number 23.5141 has a precision of 6 and a scale of 4. Integers can be considered to have a scale of zero.

In addition to ordinary numeric values, the numeric type allows the special value NaN, meaning “not-a-number”. Any operation on NaN yields another NaN. When writing this value as a constant in an SQL command, you must put quotes around it, for example UPDATE table SET x = ‘NaN’.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    RETURN 1.0::numeric
$$) AS (numeric_result agtype);

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5. Bool:

AGE provides the standard Cypher type boolean. The boolean type can have several states: “true”, “false”, and a third state, “unknown”, which is represented by the Agtype null value.

Boolean constants can be represented in Cypher queries by the keywords TRUE, FALSE, and NULL.

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
$$) AS (boolean_result agtype);
Unlike Postgres, AGE’s boolean outputs as the full word, ie. true and false as opposed to t and f.


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6. String:

Agtype strings String literals can contain the following escape sequences:

Escape Sequence Character
\t  Tab
\b  Backspace
\n  Newline
\r  Carriage Return
\f  Form Feed
\’    Single Quote
\”    Double Quote
\\  Backslash
\uXXXX  Unicode UTF-16 code point (4 hex digits must follow the \u)
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Input/Output Format

FROM cypher('graph_name', $$
    RETURN 'This is a string'
$$) AS (string_result agtype);

“This is a string”
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