Although we have astroML and astropy packages which are sufficient for data analysis. I will still still attempt to analyse JWST data using the STScI way.
import ginga
import as fits
# Load the astronomy dataset
dataset ='dataset.fits')
# Create a Ginga viewer
viewer = ginga.ginga.Viewer()
# Add the dataset to the viewer
# Drizzle the dataset'AstroDrizzle')
# Save the drizzled dataset'drizzled_dataset.fits')
The import ginga and import lines import the Ginga and AstroDrizzle libraries.
The dataset ='dataset.fits') line loads the astronomy dataset into a fits object.
The viewer = ginga.ginga.Viewer() line creates a Ginga viewer.
The viewer.add_data(dataset) line adds the dataset to the viewer.
The'AstroDrizzle') line uses the AstroDrizzle command to drizzle the dataset.
The'drizzled_dataset.fits') line saves the drizzled dataset to a new file.
- numpy>=1.15
- matplotlib>=2.2
- astropy>=3.1.2
- photutils>=0.6
- webbpsf>=0.8
- scikit-learn>=0.20
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits
from astropy.stats import gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext
from astropy.visualization import imshow_norm, PercentileInterval, SqrtStretch
from photutils import BasicPSFPhotometry
from photutils import DBSCANGroup, MMMBackground
from photutils.datasets import make_noise_image
from webbpsf.gridded_library import display_psf_grid
from webbpsf.utils import to_griddedpsfmodel
def main():
Perform PSF-fitting photometry on a simulated starfield.
# Load the PSF model
psfmodel = to_griddedpsfmodel('', ext=0))
# Simulate a starfield
shape = (512, 512)
data = np.zeros(shape)
nstars = 25
flux_max = 200000.
with NumpyRNGContext(12345):
xx = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=shape[1], size=nstars)
yy = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=shape[0], size=nstars)
zz = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=flux_max, size=nstars)
# Evaluate the PSF model at the star positions
for xxi, yyi, zzi in zip(xx, yy, zz):
x0 = - ([2] / psfmodel.oversampling) / 2.))
y0 = - ([1] / psfmodel.oversampling) / 2.))
data[y0:y0 + psfmodel.oversampling, x0:x0 + psfmodel.oversampling] += psfmodel.evaluate(
x=x0, y=y0, flux=zzi
# Add noise to the image
noise = make_noise_image(data.shape, 'gaussian', mean=0, stddev=2, random_state=123)
data += noise
# Perform PSF-fitting photometry
daogroup = DBSCANGroup(2.0 * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm(3.0))
mmm_bkg = MMMBackground()
fit_shape = (data.shape[0] // psfmodel.oversampling, data.shape[1] // psfmodel.oversampling)
phot = BasicPSFPhotometry(daogroup, mmm_bkg, psfmodel, fit_shape, finder=None, aperture_radius=3.)
tbl = phot(data, init_guesses={'x_0': xx, 'y_0': yy, 'flux_0': zz})
# Print the results
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am working on more solutions. Let me know if you find it useful.
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