You can find AI generated faces here
Using this api its easy to access all the images
To access the API we will use requests package
before that get the api_key
import requests
api_key = "#####################"
base_url = "" + api_key
Input fields for the api,
# Page number to retrieve, Default: 1
page = "1"
# Maximum: 100, Default: 10
per_page = "2"
# short, medium, long
hair_length = "medium"
# male, female
gender = "male"
# joy, neutral, surprise
emotion = "joy"
# infant, child, young-adult, adult, elderly
age = "child"
add the query params value to base url
url = "{}&page={}&per_page={}&hair_length={}&gender={}&emotion={}&age={}".format(base_url, page, per_page, hair_length,gender, emotion, age)
r = requests.get(url=url)
data = r.json()
Save the image in local for that it has to be downloaded using requests
File name be like
- 0-32.jpg
- 0-64.jpg
Use python for loop to iterate over the list of value, you a use the index if needed python enumerate will return both index and value when used in for loop.
for i, v in enumerate(data["faces"]):
for j in v["urls"]:
for key in j:
r = requests.get(url=j[key])
if r.status_code == 200:
# write the image
with open(str(i) + "-"+ key +".jpg", 'wb') as f:
Top comments (1)
@magesh236 What's your use case for this? It's pretty interesting