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Cover image for The Career Adventures of Johnny JavaScript

The Career Adventures of Johnny JavaScript

Max Antonucci on April 05, 2018

In my ongoing quest to find good books that are both manga and non-fiction, one coder in my network recommended "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by...
inceptioncode profile image
Darrell Washington

This was great! Very insightful and I couldn't agree more! Being that I am the youngest dev in the office by a pretty big margin, I run into advice like this by seniors pretty often. I made simple mistakes on my first ticket. Everyone joked about it at first but on a serious not they all preached lesson 5 to me. It was an mistake I can learn and grow from. Everyone should realize no matter what stage you are at you will always run into "Excellent Mistakes"

maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

It's great to hear that your senior devs encourage those kinds of mistakes and learning from them. That's one of the best things for younger devs on a team, it's certainly helped me become a more regular part of the workflow at my position. Having a supportive environment is often the difference between "excellent mistakes" and just "mistakes."

inceptioncode profile image
Darrell Washington

Absolutely, keep releasing great information like this it's extremely helpful.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

An "excellent mistake" is one where the benefits of how we grow from it outweigh its initial consequences.

Always worth remembering

maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

My own take on this lesson for a while has been "learn so much from failures they become successes." Looks like this book beat me to that lesson, although I actually pretty good about that.

I just wish I'd learned it from the book instead of from some past car trouble...

rhymes profile image

I feel like all this advice is relevant for life in general. Great post!

maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

Especially the last tip. All of them are great for work and life, but how we leave an imprint behind us best reaches to everything - work, relationships, home, fun, pizza, petting huskies, and the other life essentials :)

rhymes profile image

petting huskies makes everyone a better human

Thread Thread
maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

It makes the whole world a better place too.

letsbsocial1 profile image
Maria Campbell

Excellent piece Max, and I agree. Very curious about the book. Definitely will pick up a copy!

maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

Thanks, very glad my piece can help spread word about the book. My post really doesn't do it justice haha.

letsbsocial1 profile image
Maria Campbell

Haha! The post may not do the book justice, but it achieves ITS goal!

francisco profile image
Francisco M. Delgado

Incredibly well written! Following rn

lordsarcastic profile image

Did you just tag this article a '1 min read'?

maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

I have no control over that, and certainly think it's more than that haha.

felipperegazio profile image
Felippe Regazio

Man, one of the best posts i read here. Thx!

maxwell_dev profile image
Max Antonucci

Thanks, I'm very glad you liked it!

jbeetz profile image
J Beetz

When I was younger, an older friend once told me to "invest in failure". That has stuck with me for almost 20 years.
I apply it to all aspects of my life.

Great article. Thank you for posting it.