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Murad Bayoun
Murad Bayoun

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Troubleshooting InfiniBand Networks: A Detailed Guide

InfiniBand (IB) networks, known for their high performance and low latency, are critical in high-performance computing (HPC) environments and data centers. Ensuring their optimal performance requires effective troubleshooting when issues arise. This article provides a detailed guide on troubleshooting InfiniBand networks and the tools available for diagnosing problems.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Common Issues in InfiniBand Networks
  3. Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide
  4. Tools for Diagnosing InfiniBand Networks
  5. Best Practices for Maintaining InfiniBand Networks
  6. Conclusion


InfiniBand networks provide robust and high-speed connections essential for modern computing environments. However, like any complex network, they can experience issues that degrade performance or cause failures. Effective troubleshooting requires a systematic approach and the right tools to diagnose and resolve problems quickly.

Common Issues in InfiniBand Networks

Some common issues encountered in InfiniBand networks include:

  • Physical connectivity problems: Faulty cables, connectors, or ports.
  • Configuration errors: Incorrect settings in switches, routers, or host channel adapters (HCAs).
  • Firmware or driver issues: Bugs or incompatibilities in firmware or drivers.
  • Network congestion: High traffic causing delays or packet loss.
  • Hardware failures: Defective switches, HCAs, or other components.

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Physical Layer Issues

  1. Check Cables and Connectors:

    • Ensure all cables are properly connected.
    • Inspect connectors for damage or wear.
    • Replace any suspect cables or connectors.
  2. Verify Link Lights:

    • Check the link lights on switches and HCAs to ensure they indicate an active connection.
  3. Use Cable Testers:

    • Employ InfiniBand-specific cable testers to verify cable integrity.

Link Layer Issues

  1. Check Link Status:
    • Use the ibstat command to check the status of HCAs and ports.
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  • Ensure ports are in the ACTIVE state.
  1. Examine Error Counters:
    • Review link error counters to identify issues such as packet errors or retries.
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  1. Validate Firmware and Drivers:
    • Ensure firmware and drivers are up to date and compatible with your hardware.

Network Layer Issues

  1. Discover Network Topology:
    • Use the ibnetdiscover command to map out the network topology and ensure all devices are properly interconnected.
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  1. Check Routing Tables:

    • Ensure that routing tables are correctly configured and routes are optimal.
  2. Monitor Network Traffic:

    • Use monitoring tools to observe traffic patterns and identify congestion points.

Transport Layer Issues

  1. Verify End-to-End Connectivity:
    • Use the ibping tool to test connectivity between nodes.
   ibping <destination>
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  1. Trace Routes:
    • Use ibtracert to trace the path packets take through the network.
   ibtracert <destination>
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  1. Analyze Performance:
    • Use performance analysis tools to identify bottlenecks and optimize transport settings.

Tools for Diagnosing InfiniBand Networks


  • Description: Displays the status of InfiniBand devices and ports.
  • Usage:
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  • Description: Discovers and displays the InfiniBand network topology.
  • Usage:
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  • Description: Comprehensive diagnostic tool that checks network health and performance.
  • Usage:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • Description: Tests the connectivity between InfiniBand nodes.
  • Usage:
  ibping <destination>
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  • Description: Traces the route of packets through the InfiniBand network.
  • Usage:
  ibtracert <destination>
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Best Practices for Maintaining InfiniBand Networks

  1. Regular Monitoring:

    • Continuously monitor network performance and health using tools like ibdiagnet.
  2. Firmware and Driver Updates:

    • Keep firmware and drivers up to date to ensure compatibility and fix known issues.
  3. Network Design:

    • Design the network with redundancy and scalability in mind to prevent single points of failure.
  4. Documentation:

    • Maintain comprehensive documentation of network topology, configurations, and procedures.
  5. Training and Knowledge:

    • Ensure that network administrators are well-trained in InfiniBand technology and troubleshooting techniques.


Troubleshooting InfiniBand networks involves a structured approach and the use of specialized tools to diagnose and resolve issues effectively. By understanding common problems, following a systematic troubleshooting process, and leveraging the right tools, network administrators can maintain high performance and reliability in their InfiniBand environments. Regular monitoring, updates, and adherence to best practices further ensure the network operates smoothly and efficiently.

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