DEV Community

Why I'm phasing out ternary statements

Adam McGurk on February 28, 2020

I'm in a little bit of a bind. Very early on in my software development career, I learned about these things called ternary statements, and I thoug...
riccardomessineo profile image
Riccardo Messineo

I actually think they are very useful to make your code concise and easier to read.
The problems arise if you abuse of them - as always.

Ternaries (imho of course) should be used only to assign values

a = (b == c) ? 'ok' : 'ko'


  • ternaries in ternaries
  • logic in ternaries
a ? b : (c ? d : f)
a ? doThis() : doThat()
mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

I definitely agree that we need to avoid ternaries in ternaries (I've seen that in wild....just why????) and also logic in ternaries...

And I agree that the time to use them is when we're assigning value...and only then. And there is definitely a time and a place for them!

Thanks for reading!!!

riccardomessineo profile image
Riccardo Messineo

Thank you for sharing!

I really appreciate that readability is becoming more important than having a fewer lines of code, as you suggested.

We need to understand that we are mainly readers of code, and only then writers.

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mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

Totally agree!!! We are definitely readers first, creators second, writers third.

rsuttles58 profile image
Rob Suttles

Just one other consideration in this discussion might be performance. Are ternaries anymore or any less performant than standard if/else statements? I'm asking this as a junior that does not know the answer. ha

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

That's a great question, and a really important one to be asking in the context of refactoring!

I spun up a quick perf test:

And it looks like the results are negligible. The first time I ran it, the ternary was faster, the second time I ran it the non ternary was faster.

Feel free to run it yourself!!

Thanks for reading!

riccardomessineo profile image
Riccardo Messineo

If your Junior, I would suggest you to focus on readability. Above all.
We live in "Giga" times where in 99% of contexts it doesn't matter if you use a byte more or less (or a digest cycle, or a MB in RAM, or whatever).
For sake of clarity, I'm not saying to waste resources, but in general give more importance to readability (fewer bugs, quicker refactoring, more code reusability, and so on...).

To satisfy your genuine curiosity... this sort of instructions are both written in "high level" code that somehow will be translated in "low level" code.
I think (not sure) that they'll be translated in the same low-level instructions and have the same performances.

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

Yeah, the perf test I showed up top showed not much of a difference between the two!

joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

That sounds like premature optimization IMHO, in the vast majority of cases it probably doesn't matter in terms of human perceived performance. I say probably because there's always an exception to every rule :)

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

Yeah that's probably true, this block of code is probably too small to make any perf change have a non-negligible impact.

Great insight and thanks for reading!

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fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

Maybe (probably) I'm wrong, but this would impact performance if it was called a HUGE number of times?

Yet I think in this case, for C at least, this would compile to the same assembly.

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joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

I mentioned "premature" optimization. If this was called a huge number of times, and it did impact performance, then it would be time to optimize. But I would be willing to bet that for most use cases, it doesn't really matter.

holywar20 profile image
Bryan Winter • Edited

I have a controversial opinion on this ... I'm not sure this is something worth really considering in 99.9% of use cases.

This can easily lead one to premature optimization. Most code executes rarely, and consumes fractions of a fraction of resources. Optimizing a millionth of a second benefit on code that executes say once per session is probably not a good use of your cognitive resources.

In fact, I'd argue that even if IF or Tenary was 100x more efficient than the other ( and it doesn't appear to be ), that it's generally bad to write code 'optimally performant' code.

Optimal performance can easily be done by building applications entirely in assembly and without using frameworks or high level languages at all. But the reason we write almost nothing in assembly is because the biggest barrier to getting a functioning application is the human writing it. Generally if a coder is writing an IF statement, your doing a high-level check, which compared to all the billions of things a computer does a second, isn't all that much time, and you would need to write a billion lines of code to get a few seconds of extra performance across all your applications built over your lifetime.

Optimize for readability first - add performance improvements later after you have had a chance to actually profile the code and figure out where your bottlenecks are.

sargalias profile image
Spyros Argalias

Personally I wouldn't use if / else statements for assignment. At least not very often:

  • If we are assigning multiple things inside the if / else statement, then we may lose track of one of them. It's less clear what's going on at first glance.
  • The declaration can be moved much further away, making things less clear.
  • We cannot use const, which gives us a guarantee of immutability (relatively speaking).

Having said that, I don't really remember having to conditionally assign multiple things...

However if I felt it was best, I would definitely replace ternary statements with if / else statements in other cases. Code readability and maintainability are extremely important. If you and your team believe that using if / else statements is best for that, then that's a very important consideration.

anssip profile image
Anssi Piirainen

Completely agree with this. I always use const and resort to a mutable variable only if I cannot find a way around it. Variables that can be mutated add mental load and make the program harder to follow.

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

That’s definitely fair!!

Thanks for reading!

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

I definitely agree with you, I love using const, and if/elses take it away!

Thanks for reading!!

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini • Edited

Usually in this kind of things I have a pragmatic, almost obvious, approach: ternary operator is a tool that has its pros and cons, it has contexts where it is useful and contexts where you can use it, but it is quite a stretch...

It is true, however, that C-style ternary operator lacks somehow readability.

In Ada we have a kind of ternary operator too, but its syntax is (IMHO) much more readable

   X := (if Test then Value_True else Value_False);

We have case too (switch for you C people)

Hours := (case D is
               when Mon .. Thurs => 8,
               when Fri => 6,
               when Sat | Sun => 0);

The (...) around the if and the case are mandatory.

I find it useful in simple contexts where a classical if ... then ... else would look redundant. It is fundamental in defining inline functions (I think it was the reason for introducing it)

  function Modulus(x : float) return Float
  is (if X >= 0.0 then X else -X);

and also in some pre/post condition. Suppose you have a function Foo that returns 0.0 when its argument is negative and a value larger than the input otherwise. You can write

  function Foo(X :Float) return Float
  with Post => (if X <0 then Foo'Result = 0.0 else Foo'Result > X);

Also the implication A => B is nicely expressed with the ternary

   (if A then B)
mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

I definitely agree that there is a time and a place for everything! I’ll still use ternary operators, just not as frequently!!

Thanks for the in depth breakdown, and thanks for reading!!!

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Ternary operators were amazing when I first learned about them.

I agree that there is a time and place for them. For a simple concept (someone mentioned assigning values or triggering a this or that scenario) they are great. But, beyond a short line of code, they do get messy and hard to read, even if its less code.

Is it really better code if is take my slow, human brain more time to figure it out before I can make changes?

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

I totally think that no, if my brain has to think too much to make a change, I did something wrong!!

And that’s what I’ve been running into a lot lately, decisions I’ve made to have less lines, or to do something faster, I’m definitely regretting

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Too much thinking is also why I avoid using while loops. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk • Edited


I think I’ve only written like 5 while loops in my whole career!!

Thanks so much for reading!!

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scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I've yet to use one outside of practice assignments that say to use a while loop.

if/else or for loops for the win. I'll use a simple ternary, as a treat.

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mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

Foreach is what I always try and reach for (no pun intended)😆😆

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

I think we forgot the use for return statement:

//! return i or 0 if i is negative
static inline int full_rect(int i) {
  return i > 0 ? i : 0;

Also, since c99, one can write:

//! return i or 0 if i is negative
static inline int full_rect(int i) {
  return i > 0 ?: 0;

Which I love and also put in Gwion 😄

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

YES! I think I got into this mindset of "let me use this because it's cool and I want to use it." That cyclical thinking isn't really conducive to good problem solving, because you may force yourself to use a tool that wouldn't be the best.

Thanks for reading!!

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

I would like to add that not all ternaries are equal. Python's context is much easier to understand imho

is_nice = True
state = "nice" if is_nice else "not nice"
mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

Interesting!! Taking away the “?” And the “:” of the ternary operators and replacing them with words. I think I may like that!!

Thanks for reading!!

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

Order is altered thought:
In C you would write:

bool is_nice = true;
const char *state = is_nice ? "nice" : "not nice";


bool is_nice = true;
const char *state = "nice" if is_nice else "not nice";
bugsysailor profile image
Bugsy Sailor

For most of my coding career I've been a solo coder, meaning I have all the freedom in the world to make the decisions I want on practices for my own websites, etc. In all that time, I have never thought, "Gosh, I wish I was using ternary operators right now!" I like the expanded logic, it was always much easier for me to look over my code in a quick glance.

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

That’s fair, it was never really a conscious decision for me either...I just read about it one day and thought it had this visual elegance...and it just sort of happened😂😂😂😂

Thank you for reading!!

costinmanda profile image
Costin Manda • Edited

I think your frustration comes from cases where you neatly define a variable using a ternary operator and then you have to do something for one of the branches of the condition. It feels like duplicating code if you add a new if afterwards and it looks ugly if you turn the ternary into an if/else block and then add the action in one of the branches. I feel you.

However, I think that if we put readability first, then checking a condition twice is the least of our problems. I would much prefer:

var backgroundColor = IsTransparent()
  ? Color.Transparent
  : this.defaultBackgroundColor;
if (!IsTransparent()) {

than the alternative:

Color backgroundColor;
if (IsTransparent()) {
  backgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
} else {
  backgroundColor = this.defaultBackgroundColor;

One block defines a value, the other is executing an action. I think we should be allowed to use the hammer of our choice for each individual nail.

panditapan profile image

hugs her ugly monster ternary statements don't listen to him you're beautiful. /joke

I agree with you that they have a time and place, but I also love to use them <3 tho' I don't do it for readability or fewer code lines... I do them 'cause they look prettier.

I'm a simple girl sorry lol X3

Thanks for the article!

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk


Thanks for the laugh and thanks for reading!!!

(I do agree with you though...they bring a visual elegance to code that really can't be matched!!)

andrewharpin profile image
Andrew Harpin

I personally hate them, I personally find an if/else faster to determine the code flow than this behaviour.

The notification that this is a conditional occurs at the start of the line, whereas the ternary operator occurs roughly half way through the line, requiring you to read most of the line to understand the impact.

Minimising the number of lines of code is not effective in making code more readable. I'm a C programmer by trade, I could write the whole program on one line if I really wanted.

It's annoying and not beneficial.

How fast someone with zero familiarity of the code can pick up what is happening is the true measure of readability. Especially if that person is a non coder, good code will read like a document in the language it is written in.

denisenepraunig profile image
Denise Nepraunig

Interesting discussion here! The main reason why I always preferred if/else was that I could easily set a breakpoint inside THEN or ELSE. Nowadays I think Google Chrome can set a breakpoint inside a ternary THEN or ELSE, too.

One thing I saw in this discussion here and used intuitively is that I’ve used a ternary to do a simple assignment to a variable, if there is some kind of logic/function calls I would rather use an if-else.

After all these years I still have to think if ? or : comes first when I am writing it xD. Readability depends heavily if the ternary is long or short.

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

I agree for the most part ternaries become cumbersome fast. I'd like to address the next hurdle down the path and say that if you are writing single line of statements in Java then you should use braces as it is easier to tweak later without having to add them in. Also, I've personally come across some terribly formatted code where single line if blocks were used along with inconsistent indent and it becomes a nightmare to read.

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

YES!!! Don't nest ternaries!!! I've never done it, but I've seen it......ew!

80 character limit is very interesting, why do you feel that way?