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Coding is Not Enough

SEO is a technique that can have multiple benefits. For instance, it could drive more traffic to your own website. Additionally, SEO could help you get more job opportunities - either in your career or as a freelance writer.

What Is SEO and Why Does It matter?

Search engine optimization is the process of improving your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It’s the process of making your website’s content, design, and overall experience more visible in the SERPs so that more people are able to find and come to your site. SERPs are the front page of the internet, and the best way to get there is through an optimized website.
think of it like, you interrogate your database and apply filters to the results. This way, you can get a more accurate portrayal of the data at your fingertips.

The best results from Google comes from websites that are written with deliberate SEO in mind. In order to get the best results from Google, your website must be optimized for the top seeds in each search query. The best way to do this is with a focused focus on improving the content, design, and overall experience of your site.

How Does SEO Work?

To achieve success with SEO, you need a general understanding of the process, as well as a few SEO-specific terms. The following are some of the most important terms you need to know to optimize your site for success on the internet.

Keyword research: During the content writing process, it’s important to know what search queries your audience is asking for. You can do this by using keywords research to discover what topics your potential customers are interested in.

Keyword gaps: When you know what topics are popular, it’s time to start filling in the gaps. This can be done through keyword research or through in-depth content analysis.

In the next article, I will discuss how I combined my knowledge of SEO and coding to create a successful website.

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