The first time I heard lottie animations, I googled it and landed It was unfortunate to land, because I missed understanding the whole concept of lottie animations. I thought lottie animations bound to but in reality, it was not. is only a showroom, library, and gathering point for designers and developers. The main lottie animations is lottie by airbnb.
Lottie has basicly two step. Firstly it enables you to convert after effect animations to json with custom after effects plugin(bodymovin). Secondly you can render that json file on web with importing lottie.js. I guess it is better to stick with svg and key frame animations to have best outcome and file size.
Use recent versions of Adobe AfterEffects because running plugins in older versions causes problems like blank window. Also, while learning you might want to look into other people's projects, maybe by downloading AE project files from But older versions of After Effects do not open projects files of newer versions. And there is no other way around it.
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