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Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan

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Node.js Best Practices: A Guide for Developers

Nodejs is a powerful tool for building fast and scalable web applications. However, to get most out to nodejs it is important to follow best practices. In this blog post, we will explore some key best practices for nodejs development.

1. Structure Your Project

A well-structured project is easy to maintain and scale. Here's a simple structure that you can follow:

├── src/
│   ├── controllers/
│   ├── models/
│   ├── routes/
│   └── services/
├── tests/
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
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  • src/ contains your main application code.
    • controllers/ handle the logic for your app.
    • models/ define your data structures.
    • routes/ manage the different endpoints of your API.
    • services/ contain business logic.
  • tests/ contain all the test files.
  • .env stores your environment variables
  • .gitignore specifies files to ignore in GIT.
  • .package.json keeps track of dependencies and scripts.
  • describes your project.

2. Use Environment Variables

Environment variables help keep your configuration settings outside your code. This makes your app more secure and easier to manage.

Create a .env file:

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Load these variables in your code using the dotenv package:


const dbHost = process.env.DB_HOST;
const dbUser = process.env.DB_USER;
const dbPass = process.env.DB_PASS;

console.log(`Connecting to database at ${dbHost} with user ${dbUser}`);
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3. Handle Errors Properly

Handling error properly ensures that your app doesn't crash unexpectedly.

app.get('/user/:id', async (req, res, next) => {
  try {
    const user = await getUserById(;
    if (!user) {
      return res.status(404).send('User not found');
  } catch (error) {

app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
  res.status(500).send('Something went wrong!');
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4. Use Asynchronous Code

Nodejs is asynchronous by nature. Use async and await to handle asynchronous code more cleanly.


async function fetchData() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('');
    const data = await response.json();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);

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5. Keep Dependencies Updated

Regularly update your dependencies to ensure you have latest features and security fixes.

Use npm outdated to check for outdated packages.

npm outdated
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Update packages:

npm update
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6. Write Tests

Testing your code helps catch bug early and ensures that your app works
as expected.

Step 1: Install Jest

npm install --save-dev jest
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Step 2: Write tests
Create test file, for example, tests/example.test.js. Here's a simple example to get you started.

const sum = (a, b) => a + b;

test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
  expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);
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7. Use A Linter

Linters help you write clean and consistent code. ESLint is a popular choice.


Install ESLint:

npm install eslint --save-dev
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Initialize ESLint:

npx eslint --init
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Add a lint script to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "lint": "eslint ."
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Run the linter:

npm run lint
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Following these best practices will help you write better, more maintainable nodejs application. Remember to structure your project, use environmental variables, handle errors properly, write asynchronous code, keep dependencies updated, write tests and use a linter. By doing so, you will create robust and efficient nodejs applications that are easier to manage and maintain.

Happy Coding!

Top comments (33)

saikumar2121 profile image

Adding logging to a Node.js application is essential for gaining insights and troubleshooting issues effectively. By following best practices in logging, developers can ensure they capture real problems and improve the overall reliability and performance of the application.

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

You are absolutely right. Adding logging is another key best practice. Thank you for this.

otumianempire profile image
Michael Otu

Error handling is key just as logging was suggested. From the snippet on error handling I'd suggest that the error not me hidden ... Handle each error gracefully.. it would be best when one implements different error cases.. not found, forbidden, unauthorized or token or jwt expire errors, etc,

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

yeah your are right implementing different error cases is good practice too. I just wanted to keep things simple here. Thanks for mentioning it

gandanje profile image
Gilbert Andanje • Edited

This is awesome! A little spoiler. The same way we have create-react-app for frontend there is this framework for backend called suite that follows this structure. Suite helps you scaffold a project with suite generate command with the initial server listening at port 9001. You may try it out with npm install @microservices-suite/cli -g. Or checkit out here

hazemgharib profile image
Hazem Gharib

Great tips!

I would also add few more like:

  • using proper authentication
  • using TypeScript
  • including linting in pre-commit
  • add a CI/CD pipeline (e.g. GitHub actions)
mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

Yeah these are good tips too. Thank you for sharing

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

For all Javascript framework we have created the simpliest KPI tracker, with just one-lince code of setup. We are even opensource, give it a try.

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mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

Hey Antonio I will check it later

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

I would love it for real! Thanks my man, keep up the goo work!

m_idrees555 profile image

Excellent 👌👍, May Allah Bless You.
I'll try to follow these tips, bcz I'm interested in Back-End Development.

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

May Allah bless you too and best of luck on your back-end journey.

m_idrees555 profile image

Are you a Back-End developer? Please guide me from start to market/industry...!

devpaul3000 profile image
Dev Paul

Love the tips. Thanks man

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan


systemobject profile image

Can I have the same guide but on the structure of the typescript project and the necessary libraries? Thank you👍

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

Yes, you can follow the same guide on the structure of typescript project and the necessary libraries.

joshydev profile image
Sani Joshua

nice article.
why is it that when it comes to writing tests, the sum example is used. What has testing sum got to do with Nodejs server.

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

The main focus here is how you can setup jest and test a certain block/function with it.
I used the sum example because just to keep it simple and clean in order that beginners can understand it easily . Thanks btw

jyoung4242 profile image
Justin Young

NGL, i wish i read this three years ago when i started developing with JS

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan • Edited

Glad to share @jyoung4242

danshinde profile image

Thanks for the tips 😀

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

You are most welcome.

sharmi2020 profile image
Sharmila kannan

Nice article

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan • Edited

Hi @sharmi2020 , Thank your very much for your feedback

patadiarushabh profile image
Rushabh Patadia

** This Guide is an outstanding resource for professionals and developers. It offers a thorough and well-organized exploration of the subject, starting with foundational concepts.**

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan • Edited

Thank you @patadiarushabh

fantastizeey profile image

That’s nice thanks for that
I’m open to a Frontend internship role
Please reach out to me if you have an opening

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

I am sorry I don't have an opening rn

tharcissentirandekura profile image
Ntirandekura Tharcisse

I am a beginner in nodejs and yours advice really helps and now I know how to set up my project dev environment cleanly. Thanks very much

mehedihasan2810 profile image
Mehedi Hasan

My pleasure. @tharcissentirandekura