In Kubernetes, effective management of namespaces, ConfigMaps, and Secrets is crucial for maintaining a well-organized and secure environment. Let's explore key commands and concepts related to these components.
Namespace Operations
View Namespaces
List all namespaces in the current cluster:
kubectl get ns
Create a Namespace
Create a new namespace, either imperatively or declaratively:
kubectl create ns <namespace-name>
kubectl apply -f <namespace.yaml>
View Pods in a Namespace
Check pods in a specific namespace:
kubectl get po -n kube-system
Describe a Namespace
Get detailed information about a specific namespace:
kubectl describe ns <namespace-name>
Delete a Namespace
To delete a specific namespace:
kubectl delete ns <namespace-name>
Switch Namespace Permanently
Set the current context to a specific namespace:
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=<namespace-name>
View Pods in All Namespaces
List all pods across all namespaces:
kubectl get po -A
Create a Pod in a Specific Namespace
Run a pod in a designated namespace:
kubectl run redis --image=redis -n <namespace-name>
Create Namespace Declaratively
Create a namespace from a YAML file:
kubectl create ns <namespace-name> --dry-run=client -o yaml > namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
ConfigMap Operations
View ConfigMaps
List all ConfigMaps in the current namespace:
kubectl get cm
Describe a ConfigMap
Get detailed information about a specific ConfigMap:
kubectl describe cm <cm-name>
Create a ConfigMap
Create a ConfigMap from files or literals:
kubectl create cm <cm-name> --from-file=<path to file>
kubectl create cm <cm-name> --from-literal=<key1>=<value1> --from-literal=<key2>=<value2>
kubectl apply -f cm.yaml
Secret Operations
View Secrets
List all secrets in the current namespace:
kubectl get secrets
Describe a Secret
Get detailed information about a specific Secret:
kubectl describe secret <secret-name>
Create a Secret
Create a Secret from files or literals:
kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-file=<path to file>
kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal=<key1>=<value1> --from-literal=<key2>=<value2>
Encoding and Decoding Secrets
Use base64 for encoding and decoding secrets:
echo -n 'string' | base64
echo -n 'encoded string' | base64 --decode
Ensure proper management of namespaces, ConfigMaps, and Secrets to achieve effective resource isolation, configuration management, and sensitive data protection in your Kubernetes cluster.
Happy Kuberneting!
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