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Michael Lee πŸ•
Michael Lee πŸ•

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What is the "<>" operator called in Elixir?

I'm reading over the Elixir guides and recently came across the various operators. One of which is the <> operator used to concatenate two stings. It doesn't mention a name for the operator though. And it's my first time seeing that in any language.

"Hello" <> " World"
"Hello World"
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Top comments (6)

eljayadobe profile image

I'd call <> the "concatenation operator" or "string concatenation operator", which is what the Elixir documentation refers to it as.

If speaking causally, I might call it "cat", "concat", or "join".

michael profile image
Michael Lee πŸ•

Makes sense. The docs seems to use symbols to describe how to do something versus the need to name everything. Looking over the doc I noticed other things such as ++ to combine lists. I suppose you could infer that it's called plus plus but really the symbol is used to describe what it does.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

In my head I just call it the "string concatenation operator", I've also never seen any official name for it. I don't believe it's used for anything else.

michael profile image
Michael Lee πŸ•

Yeah, I figured it's more of a symbol to represent a function or utility to do something. Just wasn't sure if it had a name. Looking over the doc I realized there's a lot of other symbols used to do things but don't actually have names such as ++ use to combine lists.

Think I'll probably be calling it that in my head as well :)

bootcode profile image
Robin Palotai • Edited

In Haskell, this would be called "mappend", for Monoid append.

(Actually it's Semigroup append, but don't let that bother you)

michael profile image
Michael Lee πŸ•

Thanks Robin for sharing!