DEV Community

Michael Butak
Michael Butak

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How to export/import custom content from ManageIQ environments

This post is a how-to specific to ManageIQ development.

Whereas custom automate code can be exported from the ManageIQ UI, other custom content in ManageIQ (like Service Dialogs, custom buttons, etc.) must be exported via the command line. Below are the steps for exporting content from one environment and importing it to another. This does require some basic knowledge of linux administration:


  1. Create an exports folder at /tmp/exports on source server and an imports folder at /tmp/imports on destination server.

  2. From within the /var/www/miq/vmdb directory on the source server use the rake commands from the image above to export one category of items into that folder. E.g.,: rake evm:export:service_dialogs -- --directory /tmp/exports/

  3. Use scp to move the contents of /tmp/exports on the source server to the /tm/imports dir on the destination server.

  4. From within the /var/www/miq/vmdb directory on destination server use rake commands from the image above to import one category of items at a time. E.g., rake evm:import:service_dialogs -- --source /tmp/imports/

    a. Delete /tmp/imports on destination server
    b. Delete /tmp/exports on source server

  6. Repeat from step 2 through all the various categories of items to export.

Here's a whole article:

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