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Effects of listening 🎧 to music while coding

"Do you listen to music 🎵 while coding?"

I was asked this question recently by a friend of mine.

Well, I do it a lot, even though it is a bad habit.

🤚 Don't get me wrong.

Listening to music 🎶 is great. It can:

  • Improve your mood.
  • Help reduce depression.
  • And decrease anxiety.

But becomes a problem when you do it too often.

Especially when listening to high-BPM music while doing work that you are required to be deeply immersed in.

This leads to sensory overload, which is the overstimulation of one or more of the body's five senses.

When our brains 🧠 are constantly bombarded with sensory information or have to process too much complex information, we become overwhelmed and exhausted.

The solution to this?

I recommend listening to Lo-Fi music while working.

Lo-fi music is a genre that features mellow melodies and calming vibes, making it ideal for creating a relaxing atmosphere while studying and working.

This type of music is often instrumental, with minimal lyrics, which can reduce distractions and help you improve concentration.

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Top comments (55)

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

Definitely, if something that hasn’t Changed about how I code, it’s playing music before writing the first line of code.

And soundtracks are my personal favourite.

Long time ago, I even created a github repo for collections of soundtracks and a lot of people collaborated with their recommendations.

bbkr profile image
Paweł bbkr Pabian

I've tried Lo-Fi once and immediately disliked it. I cannot listen to music as background noise, my brain tries to process it too much. And with Lo-Fi this was even more occupying, as I unintentionaly tried to constantly denoise it. So my case is against your thesis :)

noah_jackson513 profile image
Noah Jackson

I think it can work for some people. I really enjoy lofi music when I code. Anything that is repetitive, low bpm, and has no lyrics tends to help me focus better.

michthebrandofficial profile image

Same as me. I always go for low BPM songs

michthebrandofficial profile image

Well, not everybody would like exactly the same thing.

Then, what genre do you listen to?

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

I can only listen to podcasts while coding.

I'm a trained classical musician first, so any kind of music will grab 90% of my attention... it's a problem also when I'm talking to people, it's super hard to concentrate on what are they saying....

So my advice is to find the right music for you. Music do influence you physically and mentally, like EDM is probably not a good idea for when you are debugging something hard...

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Highly recommend Intense studying from Spotify. Helps to stay focus 🧘 during coding 👨‍💻

michthebrandofficial profile image

Whoa. I will surely check it out

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Oh? Undefined link :(

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek
jd2r profile image

I'm a big lo-fi fan when it comes to doing things I need to concentrate on. I feel like other genres (with probably the exception of jazz) are things that you listen to when you're doing something less requiring of mental power, like exercise.

michthebrandofficial profile image

Yeah. It's exactly when I do my workouts that I play high BPM music

overflow profile image

When I'm learning.NO!
When I'm working might make me head bop too much!!!
But to psyche myself out before i get to work ....its cool!!

It also depends. I listen to lyrics automatically. So i will easily be distracted.

abdallaamin profile image

when i need to focus on a heavy coding session with too much logic implementation or on a tight deadline What works best for me is ASMR .as it may sound funny but it just put me in the mood to focus like no other. I listen to different stuff recently alot of rap and r&p on a chill coding sessions when working on ui only or on a side projects .

Also recently discovered a new fav genera which is an extension to lofi . So if u are a fan of the cyberpunk game vibes ( futuristic retro wave and synth lofi ) Give it a try you will enjoy it guaranteed

Cyberpunk lofi

soulfiremage profile image
Richard Griffiths

I do not believe, in the slightest, that it's universally a bad habit actually. Sure, it may not work for many, but I find that I can stay deep in the zone with very complex sql queries whilst listening to things like Halo theme tunes or similar stuff. God of war was another.

rasheedmozaffar profile image
Rasheed K Mozaffar

I think the choice of music depends on the task at hand, I agree with you on Lo-fi music as it's really helpful for solid concentration whereby heavy songs with lyrics can be sorta overwhelming, but for some tasks when the work is like crystal clear and you know exactly what you're doing without having to go back and forth in your mind trying to figure out a solution, then some heavy songs can make up a great ambience for such fun and enjoyable work sessions!

ingosteinke profile image
Ingo Steinke, web developer

What's Lo-fi? Something like white noise?

michthebrandofficial profile image

“Lo-fi” is short for “low fidelity,” and initially referred to a low-quality recording with audible imperfections, such as background noise or performance mistakes, recorded with inexpensive equipment

michthebrandofficial profile image

What genre of music do you listen to while coding?

I would love to know 😊.

durigans profile image

Normally I listen instrumental jazz and bossa nova

angelotheman profile image
Angel Oduro-Temeng Twumasi

Jazz songs are mostly the go to for me

michthebrandofficial profile image

Jazz. That's nice. Mine is Lo Fi music. So relaxing

syeo66 profile image
Red Ochsenbein (he/him)

Oddly enough I love to listen to really heavy stuff for coding. Like Deathcore (Lorna Shore, Mental Cruelty, etc) or similar things. I guess my brain is just weird.

michthebrandofficial profile image

😂😂 wow. This is my first time hearing of thie

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

I am doing Coding while dancing with music that I hated so much!

michthebrandofficial profile image

You are dancing while coding? Or you used to do before? Please explain.

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Like someone coding while walking on a treadmill. I did it while swaying and thinking about the storyline I wanted to write.

BTW the comment before is a metaphor! 🔥

Thread Thread
michthebrandofficial profile image
michTheBrandofficial • Edited

😅 I didn't even know

m_boosiri profile image

Instrumental 🎹 🎸 🎻 covers are quite effective!

michthebrandofficial profile image

I really enjoy them. Especially anime theme song covers

quaresmateo profile image
Teo Quaresma • Edited

I think every student knows Lo-Fi.
I discovered that it also works when listening to Nordic or Native American folk music (instrumental).

michthebrandofficial profile image

That genre is a go-to for every student 😂

elvisd profile image

Try songs from succession studios.
Dark orchestral