DEV Community

Michael Gangolf
Michael Gangolf

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Titanium SDK 12.3.1.GA released

Titanium SDK helps you to build native cross-platform mobile application using JavaScript and the Titanium API, which abstracts the native APIs of the mobile platforms. Titanium empowers you to create immersive, full-featured applications, featuring over 80% code reuse across mobile apps.

The new version 12.3.1.GA is now available and some of the features are:

fix(ios): fix privacy-related Filesystem APIs
handle first privacy manifest changes
Revert "feat(ios): support multi-scene applications
node-appc update - fix: handle spaces in deployType and platform
fix noresults event in ListView width custom query
node-titanium-sdk update - fix: arm mac emulator fix, use platform for id
Ti.UI.Tab selected event returns no data
touchFeedbackColor not working for a bottomNavigation tab
switchCamera method was missing
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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