One of my most reached for gems when working with Ruby on Rails is ActiveAdmin. It's a framework for building administration sections on top of your Ruby on Rails apps.
What really has made me enjoy using ActiveAdmin, is that it quietly encourages following the Rails conventions like ending a datetime field with _at
. It even introduces concepts like Decorators & Pundit in a "If you do it right, it'll be super quick to build" experience.
I'd even argue, if you are building a back office Rails App it could be worthwhile to build the entire thing within ActiveAdmin & forget about writing anything remotely custom.
Videos & Source Code
- Part 1 (Set up ActiveAdmin)
- Part 2 (Resources, Filters & Scopes)
- Part 3 (Custom Actions & Decorators)
- Final Source code
Set up ActiveAdmin
Setting ActiveAdmin is pretty well documented on their repo (And might have changed since I wrote this). The only prerequisite I don't expect to change is requiring Devise be setup to handle authorisation.
In the video, I ran the commands:
$ bundle add devise
$ rails generate devise:install
$ bundle add activeadmin
$ rails generate active_admin:install --use_webpacker
This setup Devise, created an AdminUser
model, created an app/admin
folder & created the files required to use Webpacker for the ActiveAdmin assets.
Resources, Filters & Scopes
ActiveAdmin comes with a few generators you can call via the terminal to help setup scaffolding. In the video I ran:
$ rails generate active_admin:resource Author
$ rails generate active_admin:resource Post
$ rails generate active_admin:resource Category
This generated some simple scaffold for the Author, Post & Category models in our admin panel.
I then went onto customising the app/admin/posts.rb
file, allowing us more fine grain control over how our users would access & modify the Posts in the app.
# app/admin/posts.rb
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
filter :title
filter :author_name, as: :string
filter :created_at
filter :categories
scope :published
index do
column :id
column :title
column :published?
column :author
column :created_at
permit_params :title, :body, :author_id, category_ids: []
form do |f|
f.inputs :title, :body, :author
f.inputs "Categories" do
f.input :categories, as: :check_boxes
show do
attributes_table do
row :title
row :body
row :author
row :created_at
row :updated_at
row :published_at
row :categories
Custom Actions & Decorators
In the final video, I ran through how to setup a custom action within an ActiveAdmin resource & how to use Draper to decorate our models.
# app/admin/posts.rb
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
includes :author
decorate_with PostDecorator
# [snip]
member_action :publish, method: :put do
redirect_to resource_path, notice: "Published!"
action_item :publish, only: :show, if: proc { !resource.published? } do
link_to 'Publish', [:publish, :admin, resource], method: :put
# [snip]
I'm a big fan of using Decorators (Sometimes called presenters), they offer a tidy way to say "In my views, I want the data from this model to always be formatted like this".
So for example, if I'm always going to want to output a Posts body with a dash of formatting, I'd use a decorator to decide how I want to format that field in a single location.
# app/decorators/post_decorator.rb
class PostDecorator < ApplicationDecorator
def body
Top comments (1)
Nice, thx)