DEV Community

Michael Simmonds
Michael Simmonds

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Setting up an Angular project with Angular cli, GitHub cli and deployment to GH Pages

This guide uses Angular cli, git cli, GitHub Pages and a package called angular-cli-ghpages


  • Angular cli (this example uses Angular 13)

  • Github cli ( this example uses v2.4)

In your workspace spin up a new angular app with:

ng new <app-name>

This will prompt you to create a new project, set up a local git repo and make an initial commit for you.

To create a new repo on GitHub with the command:
gh repo create

Select 'Push an existing local repository to Github` and follow the interactive prompts.
The repo will need to be public unless you have GitHub Pro.
When offered, set up a remote,
This will create a github repo for your project and set up the remotes so you can push to it easily.

Now we add the angular-cli-ghpages package. Note the use of ng add, not npm i.
ng add angular-cli-ghpages

Add a script to package.json to simplify deploy.

  • Open package.json.
  • In the scripts object add a new line: "deploy": "ng deploy --base-href=/<your-repo-name>/"

Commit your changes to the main branch
git add .
git commit -m "added angular-cli-ghpages"
git push origin main

Create a new branch called gh-pages (this can be customised, but you will need to select a different branch in the github settings page mentioned below)
git branch gh-pages
git checkout gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages

Set up GitHub Pages in the browser (just need to check this - it should be setup in the correct way by default)

  • Find the repo you just created on
  • Setting > Pages
  • In Source select deploy from branch (automatic)
  • Under branch select gh-pages and /root (automatic)

Finally - its time to deploy the base application
git checkout main
npm run deploy

NB: The deploy script will build your application and overwrite the contents of the gh-pages branch with the compiled build. There is rarely any need to have the gh-pages branch checked out locally, so I suggest you delete it.

If all is well - your application should be deployed to http://<gh-username><repo-name>

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