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Mike Young
Mike Young

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Novel Supply Chain Backdoor Attack on Pretrained Models via Embedding Indistinguishability Technique

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Novel Supply Chain Backdoor Attack on Pretrained Models via Embedding Indistinguishability Technique. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • Pre-trained models (PTMs) are widely used in various machine learning tasks
  • Adopting untrustworthy PTMs can introduce security risks, where adversaries can embed hidden malicious behaviors (backdoors) into the models
  • Existing backdoor attacks on PTMs have limited success, as the backdoors can be easily erased during the fine-tuning process

Plain English Explanation

In the world of machine learning, pre-trained models (PTMs) have become incredibly useful. These are models that have been trained on vast amounts of data and can then be used as a starting point for other machine learning tasks. This is like having a head start - the model has already learned a lot about the problem, and you can build on that knowledge.

However, the widespread adoption of PTMs also introduces security risks. Imagine an unscrupulous person who wants to cause harm. They could try to secretly embed hidden, malicious behaviors (called "backdoors") into these PTMs. Then, when someone uses the poisoned model, the backdoor could be triggered, leading to all sorts of problems.

Existing attempts to create these kinds of backdoor attacks on PTMs have had some success, but they have limitations. The backdoors they create are often specific to a particular task, and they can be easily removed or "erased" when the model is fine-tuned for a new task.

Technical Explanation

In this paper, the researchers propose a novel and more severe backdoor attack called TransTroj. Their key insight is to formalize the backdoor attack as an "indistinguishability" problem - the goal is to make the poisoned and clean samples look similar in the model's internal representations (embeddings).

The researchers break this indistinguishability problem into two parts: "pre-indistinguishability" (the similarity of the poisoned and clean embeddings before the attack) and "post-indistinguishability" (the similarity after the attack). They then use a two-stage optimization process to separately optimize the triggers and the victim PTMs to achieve this embedding indistinguishability.

The researchers evaluate their TransTroj approach on four different PTMs and six downstream tasks. The results show that their method significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art backdoor attacks, achieving nearly 100% attack success rates on most tasks. Crucially, the backdoors also demonstrate robustness, meaning they can persist and propagate through the model supply chain, even when the models are fine-tuned for different tasks.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a concerning new type of backdoor attack that poses a significant threat to the security of the machine learning supply chain. The researchers' TransTroj approach is particularly worrying because it can create backdoors that are difficult to detect and remove, even as the model is fine-tuned for different tasks.

One limitation of the research is that it focuses solely on the technical aspects of the attack, without much discussion of the real-world implications or potential mitigations. The paper also doesn't address the ethical concerns around intentionally introducing harmful backdoors into machine learning models.

Further research is needed to better understand the broader implications of these types of backdoor attacks, as well as to develop effective countermeasures. Potential areas for future work include detecting and mitigating backdoors, analyzing the inner mechanisms of backdoored models, and exploring invisible collision attacks that could further obfuscate the presence of backdoors.


This paper presents a concerning new type of backdoor attack, TransTroj, that can embed malicious behaviors into pre-trained models in a way that makes them difficult to detect and remove. The researchers' approach demonstrates the potential for adversaries to poison the model supply chain, posing a significant threat to the security and trustworthiness of machine learning systems.

While the technical details of the attack are well-executed, the paper leaves important questions unanswered regarding the real-world implications and potential mitigations. Nonetheless, this research underscores the urgent need for the machine learning community to prioritize the development of robust safeguards against such transferable backdoor attacks, in order to ensure the integrity and security of the model supply chain.

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