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Mike Young
Mike Young

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WarmSwap: Share Dependencies for Faster Serverless Function Cold Starts

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called WarmSwap: Share Dependencies for Faster Serverless Function Cold Starts. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • Serverless functions, while convenient, can suffer from "cold starts" where initial invocation is slow due to the need to load dependencies.
  • The paper proposes a system called "WarmSwap" that allows serverless functions to share dependencies, reducing cold start times.
  • WarmSwap works by caching dependencies across functions and efficiently swapping them in when needed.

Plain English Explanation

WarmSwap: Sharing Dependencies for Accelerating Cold Starts in Serverless Functions is a research paper that addresses a common issue with serverless computing - the problem of "cold starts."

Serverless computing allows developers to run code without managing servers, which is very convenient. However, when a serverless function is invoked for the first time, it can take longer to start up because the runtime environment and all the necessary dependencies need to be loaded. This delay is known as a "cold start."

The WarmSwap system proposed in this paper aims to solve the cold start problem by allowing serverless functions to share their dependencies. Instead of each function loading all its dependencies from scratch, WarmSwap caches the dependencies and efficiently swaps them in when a new function is invoked. This sharing of dependencies helps reduce the cold start time, making serverless functions more responsive and performant.

The key idea behind WarmSwap is to create a shared cache of dependencies that can be reused across multiple serverless functions. When a function is invoked, WarmSwap checks if the required dependencies are already in the cache, and if so, it quickly swaps them in rather than having to load them from scratch. This sharing of dependencies helps to accelerate the cold start process, providing a better user experience for serverless applications.

Technical Explanation

WarmSwap: Sharing Dependencies for Accelerating Cold Starts in Serverless Functions proposes a system to address the cold start problem in serverless computing by enabling the sharing of dependencies across serverless functions.

The key components of the WarmSwap system include:

  1. Dependency Profiling: WarmSwap first profiles the dependencies used by each serverless function to understand which dependencies are commonly shared.
  2. Dependency Caching: WarmSwap then caches these shared dependencies in a central repository, allowing them to be efficiently swapped in when a new function is invoked.
  3. Dependency Swapping: When a function is called, WarmSwap checks if the required dependencies are already in the cache. If so, it quickly swaps them in, reducing the cold start time.

The paper evaluates WarmSwap's performance using various serverless workloads and compares it to other approaches. The results show that WarmSwap can significantly reduce cold start times, with up to 93% improvement in some cases, by effectively sharing dependencies across functions.

Critical Analysis

The WarmSwap paper presents a promising approach to addressing the cold start problem in serverless computing. By enabling the sharing of dependencies across functions, the system can significantly reduce the time it takes to start up a new serverless instance.

One potential limitation of the work is that it focuses solely on the dependency loading aspect of cold starts, and does not address other factors that can contribute to cold start delays, such as provisioning the runtime environment or initializing the function state. While dependency sharing is a key component, a more holistic approach to optimizing the entire cold start process could be valuable.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential overhead or complexity introduced by the WarmSwap system itself. Maintaining a centralized dependency cache and managing the swapping process could introduce additional latency or operational challenges that should be considered.

Further research could explore ways to integrate WarmSwap with other cold start optimization techniques, such as SPES: Towards Optimizing the Performance-Resource Trade-off in Serverless Computing or Caching-aided Multi-tenant Serverless Computing, to provide a more comprehensive solution. Additionally, investigating the scalability and reliability of the WarmSwap approach across large-scale serverless deployments would be valuable.


The WarmSwap paper presents an innovative approach to addressing the cold start problem in serverless computing by enabling the sharing of dependencies across functions. By caching and efficiently swapping in commonly used dependencies, the system can significantly reduce cold start times, improving the performance and responsiveness of serverless applications.

While the paper focuses on the dependency sharing aspect, further research and integration with other cold start optimization techniques could lead to even more comprehensive solutions to the cold start challenge. As serverless computing continues to grow in popularity, addressing issues like cold starts will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of this cloud computing paradigm.

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