You probably have heard that word before and also know what is about. Well is a productivity technique use do get results and progress during a task. When I began learning to code I used feel very bad sometimes because I was not understanding what I was learning or because I was really far away from finishing the book or the tutorial. That can hold you back and me you feel you are not moving forward.
So I started using the Pomodoro technique but with a little mindset tweak. I would start studying for 25 minutes and each time I finish one Pomodoro I would feel I achieve something. Maybe I did not get everything of what I was learning the first time or maybe I did not finish the lesson but I finished the 25 minutes. I would do it again and again. At the end of the day I had lots of repetitions and when you repeat your brain start to make the connections you need to stick knowledge.
Is powerful. Use it wisely.
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