Why might you want location data for cities and towns?
Have you ever wanted to geocode some address data, but only to the city/town level - say, for privacy reasons or entity resolution purposes?
Or maybe you just need to plot out all the major cities around the world on a map?
There is no easy way of obtaining such data.
You could try:
- Google (or some other commercial) geocoding APIs on your lists of city names and towns, but that will probably cost you money.
- Open Street Maps (and APIs that support using OSM), but this isn't easy. Especially if you have a bulk data you are trying to geocode.
WikiData has a very good source.
OSM is not the only open data available. WikiData also has quite a bit of such data.
This is how you would obtain the locations of cities and towns around the world.
Go to https://query.wikidata.org
and use the following sparql query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?citytownLabel ?countryLabel ?loc
?citytown wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q7930989 .
?citytown wdt:P625 ?loc .
OPTIONAL { ?citytown wdt:P17 ?country } .
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
After about a minute, you should get something like:
You can simply download the data as csv or json.
You can also take a look by displaying the data on a map (there should be a dropdown on the left.
Interesting to see which communities are more active in open data contribution.
And if you are interested in contributing the location data, or are a school teacher who can make such "data contribution" a geography class project, then the following query will give you a list of cities and towns without a location data, and the link to their wikidata pages.
SELECT DISTINCT ?citytown ?citytownLabel ?countryLabel ?loc
?citytown wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q7930989 .
?citytown wdt:P17 ?country .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?citytown wdt:P625 ?loc }.
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
You will also realise that the towns that do not have location data tends to be missing a lot of other data too, like their English labels.
WikiData and the community of contributors are amazing.
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