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Bug Bounty Report Template

1. Introduction:

  • Vulnerability Type: (e.g., SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS))
  • Location: (e.g., Specific page URL, functionality within the application)

2. Summary:

  • Briefly describe the vulnerability and its potential impact.

3. Detailed Description:

  • Steps to Reproduce:
    • List the steps required to reproduce the vulnerability in a clear and concise manner.
    • Include relevant information like inputs, actions, and expected outcomes.
  • Technical Details:
    • Provide a deeper technical explanation of the vulnerability, using appropriate language for the audience.
    • Include screenshots, code snippets, or video recordings (if applicable) to enhance clarity.

4. Impact Assessment:

  • Explain the potential consequences of exploiting the vulnerability.
  • If possible, quantify the impact using relevant metrics (e.g., number of affected users, potential financial losses).

5. Proof of Concept (POC):

  • Describe the minimal and responsible POC demonstrating the vulnerability.
  • Explain the limitations and assumptions associated with the POC.

6. Remediation and Recommendations:

  • Suggest potential mitigation strategies or patches to address the vulnerability.
  • If unable to offer a complete solution, point towards relevant resources or documentation.

7. Additional Information:

  • Include any relevant information not covered in the previous sections (e.g., prior attempts to contact the program, responsible disclosure efforts).

8. Contact:

  • Provide your preferred method of contact (e.g., email address, username on the platform).

Note: This is a general template and may need to be adapted based on the specific bug bounty program's requirements and the nature of the vulnerability discovered.

By utilizing this template and following the best practices outlined in the previous guide, you can craft comprehensive and effective bug bounty reports, increasing your success and contributions to the security community.

Top comments (1)

tecno-security profile image
TECNO Security

The application is best able to provide a specific version for the triage team to find the vulnerability.