This week I've been working on releasing my toolusing npm.
To install the tool, run npm i simple-ssg1
How to prepare your project for publishing
1) Sign up for npmjs
2) Make sure you have package.json file
3) Add README.md, so that users will be able to understand what is your project about and how to set it up.
4) run npm publish
Each time you need to update your package, you can run npm version <update-type>
Update types
Each digit in the version (e.g. 2.3.0) has it's own meaning:
1) First digit (2) means major release.
2) Second digit means minor change in the software(resetting last digit to 0)
3) Last digit means patch release.
Reviewing the tool
It's very important that somebody checks how your tools works. One view is good, but multiple is better. Another people may find issues that you could never think of, because we all look at software from different perspectives.
It's very good when people try to break your tool to see how it's going to work in hard times.
Feedback and failures
It's crucial not to take feedback personally. We should thank people when they give us the feedback, because are literally pointing where we need to improve.
Mistakes and failures are part of project. I believe that if a project is going great and doesn't give you any challenges, then I would question this project :)
I know a lot of people love comfort and prefer easy things to complicated ones. However, do we grow personally and as developers? Problem-solving - that's what drives most of us. As for me, I genuinely enjoy resolving problems (even though they can
drive me crazy).
Part of community
It's a great feeling when you see your package in the npm publicly. You are feeling yourself as a part of a big community. People can use it all around the world and that makes you feel very useful :)
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