In this article we are going to discuss what's the difference between Args and Env within docker
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When you are creating your docker file to containerise your application often you want to pass arguments to your docker image and to your container but this can get a bit confusing if you are just starting out with Docker and containerisation.
Let us see how we can break this down
ARG - Build time var
Passing arguments to our docker image at build time we utilise ARG. ARG is only available during the build of a docker image. Once the image is build we cannot utilise ARG.
When utilising ARG it is advisable not to pass sensitive data as by using the following command
docker history
We can see the args that was passed to build the image
ENV - All around Var
Unlike the ARG var, ENV is available to both the container and the image. The ENV can be overriden while starting a container
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