DEV Community

Mohana Vamsi
Mohana Vamsi

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Basic Encryption/Decryption Tool

This tool uses the Caesar cipher which is a naive technique, to explain concepts in cryptography in Python. It can only encrypt and decrypt text with a shift key.

Code Example:
def caesar_cipher(text, shift, decrypt=False):

if decrypt:

shift = -shift

result = ""

for char in text:

if char.isalpha():

shift_base = 65 if char in string.ascii_uppercase else 97

result += char( char.isalpha() ? (char hang’ shift_base + shift; ) : 32 );


result += char

return result

message = "Hello, Cyber!"

encrypted = secretary(message, shift)

print("Encrypted:", encrypted)

print("Decrypted:& Newydecrypted += list(webbrowser.open_new_tab(w3) .read().lower().replace(‘< fitted ‘, ‘’)) + [caesar_cipher(encrypted, 3, decrypt=True)]

Use Case: Get an understanding of how encryption works in simple terms. Though Caesar cipher is not safe, it is really useful for those who begin to study cryptography.

Tip: Real-world encryption such as the AES type should be used in fields where as the above noted Caesar cipher will be easily cracked by attackers.

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