In this article, I've learned something but I'm also thinking about something.
Conditional Operator
Inline Conditional Operator is confusing example:
condition ? expr_if_true : expr_if_false
return (
<p>Text: {this.state.text}</p>
? null
: (
value={this.state.inputText} />
Or display a component based on its variable value
? null
: (
value={this.state.inputText} />
If you have nested code ๐ฐ
return (
{ condition1
? <Component1 />
: ( condition2
? <Component2 />
: ( condition3
? <Component3 />
: <Component 4 />
I wonder if I can abstract this statement as a react component?
Like this
<If when={this.state.logic}>
<p>โ๏ธshow component</p>
<If when={this.state.logic}>
<p>โ๏ธshow component</p>
<If when={this.state.logic}>
<p>other component</p>
I think it's more beautiful and readable
There is a lot more
<Switch value={value}>
<Case when={condition}>
<p>condition 1</p>
<Case when={condition}>
<p>condition 2</p>
<Case when='c' children={<p>condition 3</p>}/>
<Default children={<p>default component</p>}/>
Determines multiple conditions and can display default components
Iterate through the traversal array
or object
<For of={['a', 'b', 'c']}>
{(item, index) => (<p key={index}>{index}๏ผ{item}</p>)}
<Default>default component</Default>
I created a repo for this
Do you have any ideas?
Top comments (2)
Reminds me of AngularJS. :D
vue ๐