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Pranav Bakare
Pranav Bakare

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Popular Visual Studio Code extension

Popular Visual Studio Code extension 2024

Prettier: Code formatter: Automatically formats code to ensure consistent style.

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Live Server: Launches a local development server with live reload capability for static and dynamic content.

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Docker: Makes it easy to manage Docker containers and images, build and deploy Docker applications.

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Bracket Pair Color DLW: Colors matching brackets to improve readability in complex code.

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JavaScript (ES6) code snippets_ : JavaScript (ES6) code
snippets extension can significantly accelerate development by automating the creation of boilerplate code and minimizing the need for manual, repetitive coding. This allows developers to focus more on writing business logic and less on boilerplate, thereby enhancing productivity and consistency in codebases.

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Auto-Save on Window Change
Auto-Save on Window Change is a feature in Visual Studio Code that ensures your changes are automatically saved whenever you switch between different windows or applications.

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Top comments (2)

prashant-ardeshana profile image
Prashant Ardeshana

I have used all. nice job :)

mrcaption49 profile image
Pranav Bakare

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