In the past weeks lately, I have been focused on building clean landing page websites using AstroJs framework.
One of the difficulties I often face however is the limitation of the icon libraries available in the astro-icons, as compared to the react-icon library.
So here's what I decided to do:
import React from 'react';
import * as FaIcons from 'react-icons/fa';
import * as MdIcons from 'react-icons/md';
import * as AiIcons from 'react-icons/ai';
import * as GiIcons from 'react-icons/gi';
import * as IoIcons from 'react-icons/io';
import * as CiIcons from "react-icons/ci";
import * as FiIcons from "react-icons/fi";
import * as LuIcons from "react-icons/lu";
const iconSets = {
fa: FaIcons,
md: MdIcons,
ai: AiIcons,
gi: GiIcons,
io: IoIcons,
ci: CiIcons,
fi: FiIcons,
lu: LuIcons,
const Icon = ({ name, set = 'fa', size = 24, color = 'currentColor', className = '' }) => {
const IconComponent = iconSets[set][name];
if (!IconComponent) {
console.warn(`Icon ${name} from set ${set} not found`);
return null;
return <IconComponent size={size} color={color} className={className} />;
export default Icon;
After which I imported this IconX (which I called it, that it doesn't conflict with the icon component from astro-icons) component into the components I would like to use it in.
<IconX size={24} set="ci" name={"CiSearch"} client:load />
Now I have access to the thousand of icons provided by react-icons right in my AstroJs Project.
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Enjoy the read.
Top comments (4)
I did something very similar to this in my last major project. I'm now using Iconify which I find to be exceptional - the challenge with the approach you are using here is that it includes all of the icons in your project, Iconify avoids this. You can also use the
icons version of React Icons, while this takes a long time to install but it will let you pick and choose specific ones and not include everything.Oh wow! Tell me more about this!
Hello @raajaryan. Okay, I will do.