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Shawn Humphreys
Shawn Humphreys

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JavaScript developers, what was it like to start learning Python?

I have always been fond of the thought of learning Python and the possibilities it brings. Not only can you incorporate Python to web development or learn data science, but you can also learn Python if you are interested in other technologies such as AI or machine learning.

Currently, I have been focused on mastering React, but would like to hear from other JavaScript developers what is it like to start learning Python? Are you currently using python along with React/Vue/etc? What were some of the best/worst things about Python coming from a JavaScript developer?

Thank you guys in advance for discussing with me and I look forward to all your stories!

Top comments (11)

marcradziwill profile image

I haven't used Python with some of the mentioned frameworks but I what I can say is that Python has a steep learning curve. I would not start with a web project. With Python its much fun to work with strings and files.
Check out Kalle Hallden

mrshawnhum profile image
Shawn Humphreys

I love his videos! I accidentally started binge-watching some of his videos off of a recommended video.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

My thought is, in Python, it's often not about the language, but the libraries. (Which are actually sometimes C/C++ bindings, not real Python.)

But there are indeed good practices you should learn from, e.g. PEP8, pylint. Also, I have been using

I personally don't think Python is a good language to start learning algorithms...

srleyva profile image
Stephen Leyva (He/Him) • Edited

My take on python is it’s easy to learn, hard to master. I find the idioms and features take a while to learn. Example is array[-1] returning the last item in an array. In most languages this is an out of range exception but in python it’s the pythonic way t retrieve the last item. There’s typically only one obvious way to do something but it’s not always so obvious. 😂😂

massiveattack89 profile image
MassiveAttack89 • Edited

I thought it will be the same or harder than Python. Think for best prepare for worst. You can easily manage it, and be skilled after some time. Basically you already have perception of understanding coding. I did not. It was a rough path. More over I can advise you to do what I did. I researched a lot of time, because of doubts, you will have answer faster. Go to they do Cisco certificate courses. They helped me a lot a long they way. More over I felt the professionalism and comfort they had to me, because on one answer I had 3-5 question more. It was hard experience I need to go with. But again I was a noob in this field, if I managed to understand it. You can do it even easier. Wish you luck.

mrshawnhum profile image
Shawn Humphreys

"Think for best prepare for worst" I like that line! I could definitely agree that if you have a good understanding of one language, all the other languages get easier to learn as you already have the mindset and the foundationals needed.

seanolad profile image

I was a python developer first so for me JavaScript was super weird.

mrshawnhum profile image
Shawn Humphreys

It can be! I started JavaScript so I have been use to it's benefits and flaws.

mrshawnhum profile image
Shawn Humphreys

I am in for some trouble 😅 did you work on any projects in high school for Python?

aarontkelley profile image

I will say coming into both languages with no background in coding I’m finding Python much easier to pickup than JS

mrshawnhum profile image
Shawn Humphreys

That is what I been hearing lately! Only getting me more excited 😂