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Power Apps (Part 2 )

Introduction to Power Apps

What is Power Apps

Power Apps is suit of Apps, connectors and data platforms that allow users to create custom apps without knowing any extensive coding knowledge


There are two types of Apps in Power Apps: Model-driven app and canvas app


Connectors are used to link external sources to the apps. For example, if you want to connect share-points(used for saving data) to the apps then you would use a connector. There are many connectors which are available for connecting external data sources(Azure, share-points) to the apps

Data Platforms

Data Platforms act as data sources where we can store data, retrieve data and edit data, connectors are used to link apps to the external data sources, allowing seamless data integration


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Components of Power Apps

1. Dataverse: Data service that is used to store data
2. Business Rules: tools to apply logic to your data
3. Business Process Flow: Provide guides to ensure data enter consistently
4. Types of Apps: Canvas app and Model-driven app
5. Power Pages: Pages that allow you to create and manage websites
6. Power Automation : Helps to create automatic workflow
7. Power Virtual Agents: Tools to create chatbot that can interact with users


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